
End of Plenty: the race to feed a crowded world

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Bourne, Joel K [Author]

    Publisher WW Norton & Co
    Year of publication 2015

    English (main text)

    Medium Book

    Economics & commerce > Feeding the World


    Feeding the world

    Copies held

    Accession no. 230497

    • Shelf location: B500-BOU

    Divisions within this publication

    • 1: The Erstwhile agronomist
    • 2: The Curse
    • 3: Famine's Lethal Lessons
    • 4: The Green Revolution: Food, Sex, and War
    • 5: The Plight of the Punjab
    • 6: China: Landraces and Lamborghinis
    • 7: Food, Fuel, and Profit
    • 8: The Gauntlet
    • 9: The Blue Revolution
    • 10: Back in the USSR
    • 11: The Blooming Desert
    • 12: Magic Seeds: Feeding Shareholders or the World?
    • 13: Organic Agriculture: Feeding the Rich or Enriching the Poor?
    • 14: The Malawi Miracle
    • 15: The Grand Desiderata
