
Transactions of the Twelfth symposium of The International Molinological Society

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Publisher TIMS
    Year of publication 2007

    English (main text)

    Medium Symposium Transactions

    Wind & watermills


    Scope & contentTransactions from the 12th symposium held at Putten, The Netherlands, 2nd-10th June 2007; . Topics covered include Over 40 years of Molinology – where Do we Stand?, Sugar Cane milling, Power Windmills in North America, The Stone Grinding Mills of the Churnet Valley, The origin of the Postmill – a Hypothesis, Regolfo watermills, Greek Windmill Sails, The Inclined Treadwheel, A tide mill in Portugal, A Typology of Watermills North of the Danube, Watermills at La Sauve Majeure in France, Liverpool Windmills, as well as a number of contributions on drainage and drainage mills.

    Copies held

    Accession no. 228607

    • Shelf location: C010-2007
    • Donor: Michael Harverson

    Divisions within this publication

    • 1: boat mills ( Europe )
    • 2: drainage; stepped ( Netherlands, The (western) )
    • 3: flour manufacture; 1750-1860 ( USA )
    • 4: landscape; formation; role of drainage ( Netherlands, The (western) )
    • 5: milling; historical overview ( Greece (Olymbos, Karpathos) )
    • 6: mills and policy ( Netherlands, The )
    • 7: mills; ancient in modern times ( Netherlands, The (Utrecht) )
    • 8: mills; corn ( South Africa (Cape Town; Liesbeek Valley) )
    • 9: mills; tragedy or romance ( Denmark )
    • 10: mils; drainage; wind-driven; first known references ( Belgium / France (Ghent and Saint-Omer) )
    • 11: post mill; origin; hypothesis ( world-wide )
    • 12: regolfo watermills ( world-wide )
    • 13: sugar mills and salt pans ( Indonesia (Java) )
    • 14: sugarcane milling ( world-wide )
    • 15: tide mill of Cais ( Portugal (Montijo) )
    • 16: treadwheel; inclined ( world-wide )
    • 17: watermills ( France (SW) )
    • 18: watermills; horizontal ( Romania (East Carpathian Basin) )
    • 19: watermills; stone grinding ( England (Churnet Valley) )
    • 20: what have we learned? ( Netherlands, The / Belgium / England )
    • 21: wind engines ( North America )
    • 22: windmill sail twist; comparison and calculations ( world-wide )
    • 23: windmill sails; jib sails ( Greece )
    • 24: windmills or wind generators built by E. Lancaster Burne ( England )
    • 25: windmills; drainage; fens ( England (Eastern) )
    • 26: windmills; drainage; land reclamation 17th century ( Netherlands, The (North Holland) )
    • 27: windmills; old ( England (Liverpool) )
    • 28: world heritage site ( Netherlands, The (Kinderdijk) )
