
Molens in Noord-Holland: inventarisatie van het Noordhollands molenbezit ['inventory of the mills of North Holland]

    Full details

    English titleMills in North Holland province
    Authors & editors

    Colenbrander, B W
    Kölker, A J [Author]
    de Koning, A J [Author]
    Mulder, W [Author]
    Schilstra, J J [Author]
    Calisch, A [Author]
    Groot, Peter [Author]
    van den Hoek Ostende, J H [Author]
    Keunen, G H [Author]

    Publisher Meier Pers/Ideeboek BV
    Year of publication 1981

    Dutch (main text)

    Medium Book

    Wind & watermills > Other Europe (not GB) > Benelux


    olive & other domestic oils

    Scope & contentForeword by Drs. R.J. De Wit, Queen’s Commissioner for Noord-Holland
    An introduction by the editorial committee explains the origins of this inventory and how it was compiled. Illustrated with maps and photographs
    The first chapter, by A.J. De Koning, describes the different types of mill found in the province: standard mills, beam-mills, and minor types with distinctive names such as ‘tjasker’, ‘paltrok’ (pawl-driven), and ‘bovenkruier’ (top-carrier).
    The second chapter, by G.H.Keunen, explains the polder-mills of Noord-Holland: their typology, construction and characteristic details. Many traditional polder-mills have been replaced by windmills, and their development up to this point and beyond is traced in detail.
    A third chapter by J.J.Schilstra describes the history of ‘signal mills’ and ‘tide-gates’, whereby a system of signals mounted of the blades of windmills indicated the gauging of water-levels, and the associated development of sluices.
    The fourth chapter, by P.Groot, outlines the development of ‘meadow-mills’, their typology and construction details.
    The fifth chapter, by J.A.Kooren, covers the industrial mills of the Zaanstreek area: for paper-making, oil-pressing and other purposes, and their history.
    The sixth chapter, by J.H. van den Hoek Ostende, covers the mills of Amsterdam. This area holds a large concentration of the province’s mills: malt-mills, dyeing-mills, hemp-mills, tanneries, oil-presses, sawmills, leather-dressing mills, paper-mills, copper-mills, hulling-mills, fulling-mills, snuff-and tobacco-mills, drilling-mills, cement- and chalk-mills, mustard-mills, white-lead-mills, chocolate-mills and urban effluent mills.
    The seventh chapter, by G.H.Keunen, covers mill-builders, millwrights and restorers in the province, going back to the early 17th century, with detailed accounts of some of the building firms.
    The eighth chapter, by W.Mulder, describes windmills and their environments: their functions and maintenance.
    The ninth chapter, by A. Calisch, covers the restoration and maintenance of mills.
    The tenth chapter, by G.H.Keunen, consists of an inventory of the mills of Noord-Holland, with a detailed map and explanatory legend. The mills are numbered on the map, and each mills and its construction and history is described consecutively by numbers, with copious illustrations. For each numbered entry the name of the location and the mill itself is given. Detailed survey maps show the exact location of many of them. There are 173 entries for existing mills, and there are further entries for those mills in the inventory which are no longer complete or exist only as remains. A further subsection covers mills that have bene transferred to other locations.
    An appendix gives the characteristic colours of regional mills and their constituent parts. A further appendix gives a glossary of mill terms, followed by a checklist of surviving mills. Vanished mills are listed separately;
    There is also a list of place-names and a bibliography, listed according to location.

    Copies held

    Accession no. 21729

    • Shelf location: C112-COL
    • Donor: Ken Major Collection
    • Advance notice required to view in person
