
Oxfordshire mills

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Foreman, Wilfred [Author]

    Publisher Phillimore
    Year of publication 1983

    English (main text)

    Medium Book

    Wind & watermills > England > Oxfordshire


    Scope & contentOCR of typed errata and addenda 10.6.94

    The buck of the little mill at Bloxham Grove was restored under a YT scheme. Ten years ago now.

    The new cap covering at Hasely keeps the weather out, but nothing more was ever done. The finial never went back, and the windows still gape - the owner is now a multi millionaire

    Wheatley tower is restored to curb level, all floor bearers replaced, and windows too, but now cash has completely run out.

    Blackthorn East has recently been purchased with a view to some sort of rescue by a local enthusiast - only time can tell.

    North Leigh had a new cap by Chris Wallis under a compulsory listed buildings order. The same Chris now leads a team working on Chinnor near the original site, progress good.

    Records of a sjte at SP 269 183, last shown on 1760 map.

    Workable. Ashbury Lower, Standlake, of course Venn. Restored but no water, Stadharnpton, Ardington.

    p112. No. 62 was on Shipton side of stream so was Shipton Mill (Hawcots Mill).

    Nearby is a site at SP 258 171 (Upper Milton Mill?) leat traceable, not on 1851 census.

    p116. Shirburn SU 695 962 ornamental estate waterworks utilised an existing mill pond .

    Sutton (Stanton Harcourt) SP 420 072 dry stream traceable, small diam stones on site.

    P116 No 63. I could get ·no· access here but a local who Knew it all was my informant.. It was never a watermill, It was was built from new in 1911, powered with a National Gas engine, the tall brick chimney was not for steam power but part of the grain drying plant, so beware of local knowalls. Now in full operation again

    I have never got access to North Leigh. I had a very stormy meeting with the owner after the compulsory order at which time I got a crafty look at some abandoned stuff lying around.
    The stocks were 32 ft 11 x 11 tapering to 8 x 6 ends iron bound, whips tapered 8 x 6 to 7 x 5, 20 sail bars, 4 back stays at root, interesting bolts fastening whips,
    3 in all.

    Copies held

    Accession no. 309

    • Shelf location: C103.21-FOR
    • Donor: Peter Dolman Collection
    • Notes: Faint typewritten erratum received from the Chris Wilson collection (see scope and content and the attachment)


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