
Ancient Iran from the air

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Stronach, David [Author]
    Mousavi, Ali [Author]
    Gerster, Georg [Author]

    Publisher Verlag Philipp von Zabern
    Year of publication 2012

    English (main text)

    Medium Book

    Wind & watermills > Rest of the World (not Europe) > Middle East


    Middle East

    Scope & contentThis book provides a photographic record of the landscape and buildings of ancient archaeological sites in Iran as they appeared now in comparison to the 1930's when Erich Schmidt did an aerial survey. Chapter 6 contains images and descriptions of milling technology - windmills, watermills, wind-catchers and cisterns with wind-towers to ventilate the air and cool the water within. Chapter 1 - Earth and water: the land of Iran; Chapter 2 - Land before memory: prehistoric Iran (6000-1500BC); Chapter 3 - Builders of the ages: Elamites, Medes, Achaemenids and Parthians (1500BC-224AD); Chapter 4 - Palaces, fortresses and fire temples: archaeological sites of Sasanian (224-651AD) and later date; Chapter 5 - Bricks, tiles and domes: sites and monuments dating after 651AD; Chapter 6 - Vernacular architecture: Iran's working buildings from the air - written by Michael Harverson and Elizabeth Beazley

    Copies held

    Accession no. 230220

    • Shelf location: C117.6-STR
    • Donor: Michael Harverson
