
Flour milling

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Lockwood, J F [Author]

    Publisher Northern Publishing Co
    Year of publication 1952

    English (main text)

    Medium Book

    Cereal processes > Flour milling


    Scope & contentContents: Introduction - a simple outline of flour milling. Part I: I - Preliminary testing of wheat; II - Wheat; III - Reception, conveying and weighing; IV - Preliminary cleaning and drying; V - Storage; VI - The choice of wheat for grists; VII - Methods of feeding and blending wheat and of controlling rate of flow; VIII - Methods of separation; IX - Methods of cleaning wheat; X - Exhaust systems; XI - Wheat washing and moisture adjustment; XII - Conditioning; XIII - The screenroom; XIV - Treatment and disposal of impurities; XV - The layout of the screenroom. Part II: XVI - The aim in milling; XVII - The gradual reduction system; XVIII - Test for mill stocks; XIX Grinding; XX - Sifting; XXI - The Break System; XXII - Grading and dusting; XXIII - Purification; XXIV - The Scratch System; XXV - The Reduction System; XXVI - Flour dividing and processing; XXVII - Treatment of by-products; XXVIII Mill diagrams and mill adjustment; XXIX - Speciality flours; XXX - The layout of the mill; XXXI - Pneumatic conveying of mill stocks; XXXII - The packing, storage and loading of finished products; XXXIII - The control of mill pests; XXXIV - Control of temperature and humidity.Part III: XXXV - Methods of calculating milling results; XXXVI - Power; XXXVII - Mill management and staffing; XXXVIII - Production costs; XXIX - The layout of premises. Appendices: I - Revolutions of cylinders at which gravity and centrifugal forces are equal; II - General theory of separation by air resistance; III - The laboratory aspirator; IV - Calculation of the efficiency of an aspirator; V - Theory of the cyclone; VI - Removal of dust by a circuit aspirator; VII - Method and accuracy of ash test; VIII - The equivalents of American and Canadian milling terms which differ from British milling terms; IX - Equivalent milling terms in English, French, Spanish and German; X - Units of measurement; XI - Mill capacity equivalents; XII - Weight per cubic foot of mill stocks. Works of reference (bibliography).

    Copies held

    Accession no. 230127

    • Shelf location: Reserve Collection
    • Donor: Glyn Jones Collection
    • Notes: Book jacket

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