
Last of the Line: Traditional British craftsmen

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Quinn, Tom [Author]
    Felix, Paul [Author]

    Publisher David & Charles
    Year of publication 1999

    Medium Book

    Arts, culture and heritage > Crafts, trades & skills
    Arts, culture and heritage > The role of women


    Scope & contentPublisher
    This volume collects the reminiscences of a range of men and women whose rare skills date back as much as 1000 years. It features such people as the charcoal burner, the free miner, and the coracle maker whose family made coracles for use on the Severn long before the Iron Bridge was built.

    Chapters include (pp 100-105) "The Thames Watermiller (Mildred Cookson) showing her at work and excellent photos of the interior at Mapledurham

    Copies held

    Accession no. 231211

    • Shelf location: A087-QUI
    • Donor: Mildred Cookson