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The Northwestern Miller

Update: As of April 2023, the Mills Archive Trust has digitised and made available online a decade’s worth of Northwestern Miller magazines—1930–1939. This project was made possible through grant funding and fills a gap in the digitisations of the magazine available online elsewhere. For more information on the project, please email To view the…

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Hidden message in postcard

One of our regular volunteers, Tom Hine, showed me a postcard he had noticed while sorting through a big stack of them. At first he thought it was written in a foreign language, but take a closer look and you might be surprised… We were intrigued to spot that the author “Treb” – or Bert!…

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Spring at the Mills Archive!

Hello everyone! Today I came into the Mills Archive and was greeted by Charlie sniffing me. I should mention that Charlie is a beautiful dog belonging to Michael Jones the House Manager. Michael has started planting bulbs ready for summer all around Watlington House and this year the Mills Archive staff have done their bit…

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Meet Guy!

I don’t usually come into the Mills Archives on Fridays but I am really glad I did last week because I was introduced to Guy Boocock. The name may ring a bell because Guy has volunteered here 2 days a week since November 2010 and has accomplished some really amazing things in his time as…

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How did the SPAB meeting go?

As you know, last week Ron, Mildred, Guy, Nataliya and Liz travelled down to London at a crazy hour in the morning to prepare for the Spring SPAB meeting and the Mills Archive bookshop. Liz and Nataliya got the 7am train to London which, as a seriously NON-morning person, makes me feel a little queasy…

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