HELP US PUT THE WIND BACK IN OUR SAILS… and make more records available to you online

With your support, we could do so much more to make our material and expertise available digitally. So many fascinating stories remain locked away in cardboard boxes, only accessible to those who are able to visit us physically. And that, unfortunately, has been difficult of late.

Doing more online will open up the world of milling to so many more individuals and share the magic of our milling history. It will mean more records and images being made available to you, too.

You can help us supply essential technical information to a millwright based in Scotland, enable a genealogist in Australia find out about the daily lives of their milling ancestors in Lancashire, or provide historians all over the world with the essential milling information they need to complete their research.

Behind the scenes we have been developing new ideas on how to make more of our collections available to you online. We have been thinking about how to deliver our workshops online. We would like our volunteers to continue with their valuable work for us remotely, so we’ve been planning how to make that happen.

But all these ideas cost money. We need your help to make them happen. Did you know that we spend around £6,000 every year just on hosting our website and catalogue?  Making items available online is an expensive exercise, but one that will make our precious collections accessible to everyone wherever they are.

To go back to the appeal homepage to browse all the ways that your support can help, click here.


See how you could help us make more of our records and services available online to the 175,000 researchers who use our website every year: