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National Monuments Record archives catalogues now online

The National Monuments Record’s archives catalogues, with some images, describing over a million photographs and other archives, are now online at This is a useful step forward and they say “We’d welcome feedback, so please use (and encourage your searchers to use) the site feedback link to let us know how we can improve it!”…

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Irish Photographs

The National Library of Ireland has recently released 34,000 of its 630,000 original Irish photographs on its website. They are available free to view as low resolution images, with the opportunity to order higher resolution images for a fee.The photographs, which relate to 1860-1954, include a large number of churches and other religious subjects.See: Searching…

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Frank W. Gregory Collection

Frank W. Gregory’s collection of mill-related archival material has been catalogued as part of a collaborative project, hosted by the Mills Archive in partnership with the Weald & Downland Museum, and made possible thanks to a grant of £49,900 from the Heritage Lottery Fund. Filming at Shipley in 1994. In his Miller’s Smock, Frank is photographed at…

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Knockando Watermill survives

William Hill’s recent list of Internet links to mill news includes an uplifiting article in Saga Magazine. In 2004 the mill lost out in the BBC’s Restoration programme. Five years on, the Trust has finally raised enough to start restoration. Its aim, says chairman Jana Hutt, is to repair the leaking buildings and set it…

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Wind turbine blade snaps off UPDATE

Simon Potter and Tim Chapman have helped me update the news item that originally appeared in The Daily Telegraph on Saturday 10 October, reporting that strong winds had broken a blade of a 190 ft wind turbine at Catcliffe near Sheffield. The photograph is copyright Tim Chapman – see a second one can be seen at…

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Millwrights’ Memories

I was just entering details of this book on our Internet shop, when I came across the chapter “Millwrights’ Memories”. Can someone point me in the direction of other similar sources? The chapter transcribes in some detail interviews recorded between 1969 and 1980. Thirty eight pages are devoted to the reminiscences of: Alf SpainPhilip HancockGordon…

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