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News of Mills

William Hill’s most recent news circular details 11 Internet links including comments on the sale of Thorpeness (pictured) as well as material on Jack, Stone Cross and Upminster le Marsh mill flooded More grim news over Thorpeness Windmill? Talgarth Water mill gets further lottery win Windmill Application for your iPhone Lovedays Watermill Mill for…

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£500 Prize for Research Competition

As part of its brief “to promote encourage or undertake research and disseminate the useful results of such research” the Mills Archive is launching two research competitions with cash prizes and guarantees of publication. The research must be on a topic connected with traditional milling, by wind, water or muscle power. It must be original,…

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Frank Gregory Online Launched

Frank Gregory Online has involved the cataloguing and digitisation of more than 30,000 new archival items from the collection of Frank W Gregory. These are now freely available for people to download and view. Read more about Frank Gregory Online and to view selected items form Frank’s collection, click here This collaborative project was led by the Mills…

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