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Archivist’s Pick: Notes on gunpowder manufacture

Two of the most attractive items in the Alan and Glenys Crocker collection are beautiful handwritten notebooks from the Royal Gunpowder Factories at Faversham and Waltham Abbey. The notebook from Faversham is older – it consists of pages from a notebook of 1798 which were then pasted into another notebook in 1878. As well as…

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Tools of the trade

Alongside papers and photographs, the Mills Archive also collects small milling artefacts. These are some I recently added to our catalogue from the Thompson Family Collection. Can you guess what these items were used for? This may look like something that would come in handy in the zombie apocalypse, but it is in fact a…

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New Collections 2018

Each year we submit a list of all our acquisitions to the National Archives. 2018 saw an interesting and varied array of collections and smaller donations arriving at the Archive. The total list of accessions for 2018 is available here. It includes: 14 new collections (22 boxes and 33.6 GB of data)11 significant additions to collections…

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Browse images by county and mill type

A new feature we have recently added to our Images and Documents catalogue allows you to browse images by country, county and mill type. You can find the page here: For instance, selecting England, Buckinghamshire and Tower mills brings up a page showing only tower mills in that county. All results other than images have been filtered out, as have…

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James Venn Collection

Stanley Freese. Photo Brian Flint, 1971. The James Venn Collection is in fact two collections, one built on top of the other. The story starts with Stanley Freese, who in the 1920s and 1930s cycled across the country with his brother Cyril, sketching, photographing and gathering information on rural England, particularly mills. Freese published several books on…

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Roller flour mills at the Mills Archive

We’re adding to our extensive collections about traditional wind and water mills to tell the story of the most recent phase of flour milling, roller flour mills. Changes in technology in the 19th century including steam power and the development of the roller mill led to a revolution in flour milling in which rural wind…

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