Author: Nathanael Hodge

A Slice of Milling History

The Millers’ Mutual Collection is one of the most important additions to our archives in recent years. As a national...

100,000 Records

At the end of 2024 we hit a significant milestone – the 100,000th item to be catalogued from our archive. And...

Thomas R Allinson (1858-1918)

Doctor, Healthy Eating Activist and Miller Thomas R Allinson was a British doctor, dietetic reformer, vegetarian activist and a miller. ...

Jeanette Gitobu

Jeanette Gitobu is currently the director of the Women in Wind Global Leadership Program, which promotes the expansion of women...

The Mills of Shushtar

In 1992 Michael Harverson visited Iran to look for watermills. One of the most memorable sites he visited was Shushtar...

Workshop – Caring for your collection

At the Mills Archive we recently made our first foray into delivery online webinars, on the topic of caring for...

Windmills of Nantucket – Rex Wailes

In 1929 Rex Wailes visited the island of Nantucket during his trip to the USA and Canada. This is his...

Priority Collections

Getting our priorities in order With 286 collections in our archive, ranging from 1 to over 200 boxes in size,...

Sketches by Thomas Hennell

This sketch, showing the machinery in an unnamed mill, is one of a number drawn by artist Thomas Hennell and...

Work experience at the Mills Archive

I’m coming to the end of my two weeks of work experience at the Mill Archive Trust, having originally applied...
