Author: Liz Bartram

Job advert: Learning and Engagement Manager

We are recruiting for a paid position that is central to our new HLF-funded project, Quern to Computer. We are...

Quern to Computer gets a logo

When our Archivist Nathanael isn’t busy being, well, an Archivist, he’s also getting involved in some of our creative activities....

Announcement: Mills Archive wins £68,200 from the HLF for a trailblazing project!

We are thrilled to have received the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund for an exciting new project, “From Quern...

Dear Friends – don’t forget our Garden Party is this Saturday!

For those of you coming to the Garden Party on Saturday 13th June, it’s only a few days away and...

National Volunteers’ Week: meet today’s volunteers!

Alex (pictured) is new to volunteering at the Archive. He is a 2nd year Ancient History student at Reading University...

Mills Archive is featured on the National Archives website!

The Mills Archive is currently featured both in the news and in the case study section of the National Archives’...

Rest in Peace: Donald Muggeridge 1918 – 2015

We are sad to inform you that Donald Muggeridge, a major figure in the mill world and whose name many...

Rest in Peace: Brian Eighteen

Brian Eighteen, mill enthusiast, researcher and previous employee at Sindlesham Mill in Berkshire, passed away peacefully at the age of...

Benches and blooms

Sunny weather lifts most people’s spirits, and this week’s weather is no exception. While we’re a cheery group anyway, we’ve...

Upminster: the power of steam

Upminster Windmill, one of our Heritage Partners, was once part of a site that included a steam mill to meet...
