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Announcement: Mills Archive wins £68,200 from the HLF for a trailblazing project!

We are thrilled to have received the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund for an exciting new project, “From Quern to Computer”. We will involve volunteers from the local community as well as interested individuals from around the world in telling the fascinating story of flour milling, from its ancient origins in 6,000 BC and…

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Rest in Peace: Brian Eighteen

Brian Eighteen, mill enthusiast, researcher and previous employee at Sindlesham Mill in Berkshire, passed away peacefully at the age of 84 on 4th April 2015 after a long fight against cancer. Brian worked for many years at Sindlesham Mill, and began collecting material, postcards and other memorabilia relating to mills. He was also very active…

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Benches and blooms

Sunny weather lifts most people’s spirits, and this week’s weather is no exception. While we’re a cheery group anyway, we’ve been even chirpier than normal. This week the garden has put on a beautiful display of flowering tulips, some of which were planted during the winter by a few of us green-fingered sorts at the…

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Upminster: the power of steam

Upminster Windmill, one of our Heritage Partners, was once part of a site that included a steam mill to meet production needs. While the steam house did not remain intact, the team at Upminster have been able to learn about the site and the technology. See a clip of what they have learned on YouTube…

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Hidden message in postcard

One of our regular volunteers, Tom Hine, showed me a postcard he had noticed while sorting through a big stack of them. At first he thought it was written in a foreign language, but take a closer look and you might be surprised… We were intrigued to spot that the author “Treb” – or Bert!…

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