Vulnerable collections are collections that URGENTLY need your care. Every day they threaten to deteriorate further and without your help the history they contain will literally disappear before our eyes. They need your adoption now.
Antiquarian Book Collection
These rare and beautiful books offer important insights into the history of milling. These books require careful repair to preserve the rich information they contain and to allow safe handling by researchers and visitors to the Archive and Library.
Click here to adopt this collection.
Bernard R Billings Collection

Bernard R Billings was a mill enthusiast and photographer who was active in Kent in the early 1930s. His collection includes an album of prints and sketches, a typescript book and 134 glass lantern slides. These slides are attractive, original, early 20th century mill photographs which are very fragile. By digitising this collection, the important and beautiful images it contains have been preserved for future generations.
Click here to adopt this collection.
Armfield Drawings Collection

Yellowing, torn and crumpled. 800 attractive drawings of milling machinery. Created by the millwrighting and engineering firm Armfield between the 1870s and 1920s, these documents provide valuable information about the construction of mill parts. With your adoption, emergency conservation on collections like this can be carried out.
Click here to adopt this collection.
Jon Sass Collection

Dirty, damaged and falling apart. Unique ledgers and day books within the Jon Sass Collection of the entire history of Hibaldstow, a wind and water-powered corn mill and Tickencote, a water powered corn mill. The information contained within will fade until the content is indecipherable. But with your support this and other links to our past can be protected for the future. Explore the Jon Sass Collection on our online catalogue here.