Bored? Why not take a look at our images and documents

If you’re stuck with nothing to do, try having a look through our Archive Catalogue, and help us improve our data.

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Our Archive Catalogue can be found here. It contains 84,554 entries relating to mills and milling, including 70,382 photographs and 2,078 text documents.

There are various ways to search the catalogue. From the search bars on the home page you can search everything, or just look for images. To find everything on a specific mill, search the mill database. You can also browse through images by country, UK county and mill type. For more information about searching see here.

With all this data, there are bound to be some errors or omissions so if you spot any we would love to hear from you. You can also look through our images tagged ‘Unidentified mill’ to see if there are any you recognise. To give us your feedback just go to our contact page.


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