Celebrating with the Hampshire Mills Group

On Friday the Hampshire Mills Group paid us a visit. The Group has helped the Archive in a number of ways over the years and so it is was decided that we would have a well-deserved celebration with some of their members.

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Two events were being celebrated in particular: the donation of the Arthur Lowe Collection and the long-term contribution that Tony Yoward has made. Since the Archive’s foundation in 2002, Tony has been a supporter of the Archive, volunteering as a Foundation Trustee in 2002 and now donating us his collection of original research notes and records on Hampshire and Dorset mills.

Tony had previously given us electronic copies of his work, as well as the amazing database of millers that he had his late wife, Mary, had compiled. We are proud to be responsible for the safekeeping and public use of what he has built up, partly as an archive for the Hampshire Mills Group, for whom he has acted as archivist for a number of years.

Members of the Hampshire Mills Group have been volunteering to repackage, catalogue and digitise the Arthur Lowe Collection, and to list Tony’s collection, the first stage before cataloguing of his collection can be completed.

We’d like to say a big “thank you” to Tony and to the rest of the Hampshire Mills Group for their contributions, and we look forward to continuing to work together.

You can find out more about the Hampshire Mills Group by visiting their website.


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