We’re looking forward to tomorrow’s workshop!

We’re putting together the final preparations for tomorrow’s training workshop. “Caring for your Collection” is a regular workshop we run for people who have their own mill collections and are looking for advice on how to look after it. These workshops are popular with people working and volunteering at mills and provide those of us working to preserve milling heritage with an opportunity to share ideas.

Poster Image

In this image you can see our Archivist Nathanael putting together a display for tomorrow’s attendees. In addition to different talks about how to look after material, we will show examples of images and documents in varying conditions and what tools people can use to preserve their own collections as best they can.

What’s especially exciting about tomorrow’s workshop is that it will include new sections on creating contemporary records – which is just as important since today’s events are tomorrow’s history – and a section on how to promote collections to the public using things like social media.

Everyone who takes part in the workshop receives a reference manual to take away with them:

We look forward to meeting the attendees tomorrow, to hear about their own experiences and explore how we can all help each other to save milling heritage.

This workshop has been funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund as part of our project, “From Quern to Computer”.
