Marsh Mill in Thornton, Lancashire, is approaching its 223rd birthday. The Friends of Marsh Mill now wish to move the Mill to the next stage in its development, so that it can continue to remain an important landmark for years to come. The Friends also hope to establish a National Windmill Museum in the future.

Marsh Mill is the only mechanically complete example of a windmill in the North West of England and retains all of its machinery, much of it dating from original installation. It has traditional Lancashire type sails, and typical North West boat shaped cap and 8 bladed fan tail. Its national importance is recognised with a grade II* listing and at 70 feet tall, it is one of the tallest windmills in Europe.
The Friends of Marsh Mill have just launched a crowdfunding initiative with the target to raise £20,000. Those who donate to the crowdfunding page may be eligible for different rewards, depending on the level of their donation.
To find out more about this initiative and about the mill, you can visit their crowdfunding page here.
They also have a new website, which you can explore here.
Marsh Mill is a Mills Archive Heritage Partner. To see our featured mill page for the mill and a link to related images and documents on the catalogue, click here.