Another successful National Mills Weekend ends… but the Great British Mill Race continues!

We hope you all enjoyed 2016’s sunny National Mills Weekend. The Great British Mill Race – a competition where you can help us update our Mills Database by sending us your pictures and information – will be running for many months to come. So why not submit your National Mills Weekend snaps at

Poster Image

The Great British Mill Race was launched over the National Mills Weekend (14-15 May 2016).  Though the National Mills Weekend may be over for another year… worry not… as you can continue to take part in, share and follow the Great British Mill Race (#gbmillrace) for many more months to come.

This image was submitted to the #gbmillrace over the weekend by twitter user @kayels

If you took lots of mill pictures over the weekend, then why not submit them to  You’ll be helping us update our records and you could win a prize…

Just visit to take part.  From this page you can send us information about mills, send us your pictures of mills from all over the UK and search for mills near you to visit and then send us updated information for.  You can also find further guidance on how to take part if you’re unsure.  

As you know we host a huge database containing entries for mills and for geographic sites where a mill once was.   We want to update these records – to make it clear which mills still exist and could be seen or visited.  Can you help?  Just visit to start helping us update our records.   

Please feel free to contact us on if you have any questions.
