Hello everyone! I wanted to do a big shout out and congratulations today to our Friends at Oldland Windmill who have been featured in Vintage Spirit magazine for their unique steam powered windmill (you can see the steam engine in this photo, which was kindly provided by the team at Oldland). It is great to see Oldland Windmill have a 5 page spread in Vintage Spirit in what is one of the top magazines for steam and industrial heritage enthusiasts.

Vintage Spirit celebrates steam and industrial heritage alongside all the latest news from the preservation scene. The magazine contains stories, articles along with photos and events from the latest industrial revelations and restoration projects. The Vintage Spirit website states that in Britain we are fortunate that much of our transport, agricultural and industrial heritage is preserved in working order. The website used a lovely phrase to describe the type of industrial heritage Vintage Spirit strives to bring attention to. It states throughout the summer, the public can enjoy these transportational, agricultural and industrial relics of a ‘bygone’ age and ‘marvel at the engineering which once put the ‘great’ into Great Britain.’

This is the front cover of the edition of Vintage Spirit containing the Oldland Windmill article. You can buy the latest magazine here: https://www.vintagespirit.co.uk/
Brian Gooding writes an intriguing article about his visit to Oldland Windmill and how he was present to observe, for the first time in over 100 years, a steam engine drive the mill. The engine used was a 1908 Marshall TE No. 51007 and a flat belt was used over the mill pulley. I don’t want to ruin Brian’s article by saying too much more about it but from what I have read, it sounded like a pretty intense day, full of stops and starts and many adjustments to get everything in sync and in the end resulting in the windmill finally being powered once again by steam, thanks to the efforts and hard work of the staff and volunteers at Oldland.