Quern to Computer gets a logo

When our Archivist Nathanael isn’t busy being, well, an Archivist, he’s also getting involved in some of our creative activities.

Poster Image

He has kindly designed the following logo for our new HLF-funded project, Quern to Computer. What do you think of it?

We’ve been busy starting to prepare for this project, which will see us use the £68,200 grant we secured to educate the public on the story of flour milling, from its ancient origins in 6000 BC up to the present day and large computer-driven roller mills. We’ll be looking for you to get involved throughout the project and have lots of exciting opportunities and competitions in store for you.

We also announced our success to those Friends who attended last month’s Garden Party:

Keep your eyes peeled for more updates on the project on our blog, and we will also be sending out enewsletters to interested groups to update on progress and highlight the upcoming activities and opportunities. If this is something that sounds appealing and you would like to make sure that you are kept informed then just send me an email and I’ll make sure you’re added to our mailing list – here’s my email: Liz.Bartram@millsarchive.org

We will also be shortly announcing our new job role that we are creating for the project called the Learning and Engagement Manager – if you get the Mill News magazine from the SPAB Mills Section then you’ll also find out about it in there too. Best of luck to those who apply!


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