Announcement: Mills Archive wins £68,200 from the HLF for a trailblazing project!

We are thrilled to have received the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund for an exciting new project, “From Quern to Computer”. We will involve volunteers from the local community as well as interested individuals from around the world in telling the fascinating story of flour milling, from its ancient origins in 6,000 BC and up to present day and massive computer-driven roller mills.

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We will create a fascinating timeline online to tell this story, linking to examples on our catalogue and external links. We will also be encouraging you all to get involved by suggesting key dates and other information to add to the timeline and we will be working with participating mills.

We wish to spread the knowledge of the history of flour milling – something hugely relevant to all of us in providing our daily bread – to different groups of people, including those who would not normally be exposed to such knowledge, on a local, national and international scale, and encourage people to get involved in shaping the story.

Watch this space as we’ll be talking a lot more about this project in the months to come!


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