Following a suggestion from the appeal committee, the Mills Archive is lending a hand with the Cross-in-Hand Appeal as it passes 20% of its funding target within 3 days of launch.

Cross in Hand appeal
The Mills Archive Trust (Registered Charity no 1155828) has indicated it is happy to pass on any donations (in full) that it receives if they are made payable to “The Mills Archive Trust, Cross-in Hand Appeal” and sent to the Chairman, The Mills Archive, Watlington House, Reading RG1 4RJ.
We can add Gift Aid Relief
If a donor confirms they are a UK taxpayer and wish us to apply for Gift Aid, we will immediately add the tax relief to the donation, increasing its value by 25% at no cost to the donor. To qualify for Gift Aid, you must provide your name, house number and postcode. If required we can keep the donation anonymous. We will update the Cross in Hand Facebook page as well as the Archive’s Facebook and Twitter feeds as soon as a donation is cleared by our bank.
Let’s see how quickly we can raise the remaining 80%!
Details for electronic payments directly to the appeal are here.