The Muggeridge Collection comes to The Mills Archive

We have just received the newest addition to our growing archive from all the way across the pond! The Muggeridge Collection arrived from the US and is now being stored at The Mills Archive.

Poster Image

The arrival of this collection was especially appropriate because I had just found a press cutting about Donald Muggeridge, and felt that it formed a lovely link between the two collections.

Donald Muggeridge, a windmill enthusiast and ex-British army officer, inherited his love of windmills from his father, and spent many years documenting them from all over Western Europe, the Atlantic, Greece, the Caribbean, and North America. He also held an impressive collection of material on Kentish windmills, left in his care by Mr. Alfred Tiffin.

The Mills Archive now houses the vast collation of postcards and photographs resulting from Mr. Muggeridge’s fascination with mills, as well as copies of the information held in the Tiffin-Muggeridge Collection in the Templeman Library at the University of Kent.

We are very excited about the potential this new information offers to those who make use of our resources. Keep watching this space for more updates!
