In Memoriam Helen Major (1927 – 2013)

Helen died a year ago today (March 24) and we celebrate her life and work for mills. Although for years she provided the support for her husband Ken, in her last years she showed just how much she cared for mills.

Poster Image

She was well-known in the mill world and much loved.

Helen left most of her estate to The Mills Archive and to the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings. Both charities have benefitted enormously from her generosity.

We at the Archive are using her gift to improve our services in many ways that will become apparent over the coming months. Her contribution has made a lasting difference not only to what we can do now, but it has also introduced a new way for us to secure our future.  

Much of her legacy will be devoted to setting up an Archivist’s Fund, which we hope others will in time support. The Fund’s purpose is to provide financial security for the permanent employment of young professional staff. During her time at the Archive, she was excited by the way we are able to attract and help young people to gain the work experience and the skills needed to become the archivists and librarians of the future. All this while developing an interest in mills!

Thank you, Helen, and may you rest in peace.
