Urgent alert – threat to Croydon Archives

Archives for London reports that, “Once again the Croydon Archives are under threat from closure”, and “The Consultation closes at midnight on 15th January which is a Tuesday”.

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Croydon Council’s proposal is to reduce the Croydon archives to the ‘statutory minimum’ and thereby save £105,000, which would mean the loss of its staff and effective denial of public access to the Local Studies Library. The exceptionally brief consultation period ends on 15th January and responses should be made to Cllr Tim Pollard. Do what you can to influence your local councillors and the cabinet members. The CNHSS is among the interested parties whose letter to the Croydon Advertiser is to be published this week.

To add your voice to the consultation visit the website here – http://www.croydon.gov.uk/democracy/consultations/budget-engagement/.


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