If you ever needed a reason for joining the SPAB Mills Section

Well – here it is! The new A4 format for Mill News is combined with impressive and varied content and is a delight to hold and read.

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There are, as you would expect, a number of interesting articles and shorter pieces, but what immediately strikes you is the professional look of the publication. For those interested in mills, the editor and her team have put together some stunning illustrations, taking full advantage of the format. 

They have set themselves a challenging standard for the future – and good luck to them. The efforts of the individual or team behind publishing newsletters are often taken for granted. Looking at this new approach, makes one realise just how rich our mill resources are and how skilled are the contributors in getting across the message. 

This first edition of the new era will become a collector’s piece – so if you are not a member make sure you sign up and insist on getting a copy! You can do this here.


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