OK, it was in the early 19th century, but this fascinating story of early industrial espionage is worth reading! Derek Ogden and Gerald Bost explain how American milling secrets were taken back to Germany to the benefit of European mills.

This book, based on an 1832 publication in Berlin, describes Ganzel & Wulff’s journey round the USA between 1827 and 1829, the mills they visited and how they were used to produce export quality flour. This issue of Bibliotecha Molinologica publishes the drawings and the text of the 1832 report together for the first time. Written in Engish it is available from the TIMS bookshop at http://shop.millsarchivetrust.org/home.php?cat=27 – go there for more details
Among the other 20 TIMS publications sold on behalf of TIMS at the Mills Archive shop is the latest edition of International Molinology – the best English-language journal on mills.