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Suffolk Windmill Postcards

The Mills Archive has several copies of many Simmons postcards and is starting to sell them on eBay to raise funds. Friends of the Mills Archive get the first chance to buy them at a fixed price and post free.

Poster Image

These low-resolution thumbnails show the a sample of 32 from the several hundred that are offering over the coming months.

On eBay they start at £4.99 and often sell for more than £20, so it is probably worth serious collectors joining the Friends. 

Friends automatically benefit from an automatic 10% discount on orders over £30 and avoid the uncertainty of Ebay bids and the way prices may be driven upwards. They can also ask us to check if we have cards of a specific mill which we have not yet listed.

The cheapest way to join is by printing off and sending us a standing order. See http://www.millsarchivetrust.org/index.php/become_a_friend for details and how to pay by other means.

Existing Friends just need to log in with their Friends password at http://shop.millsarchivetrust.org/ and click on “Friends’ Offers” to see the cards currently available. It is “first come – first served” so the 39 currently on offer may drop quickly. We will refresh the stock periodically so it worth checking back or possibly waiting to see when they appear on eBay.


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