Tide Mill Institute 2010 Conference

HERITAGE AND SUSTAINABILITY – The 6th Annual Tide Mill Conference – November 12 and 13, 2010, Massachusetts, USA

Poster Image

The Tide Mill Institute is pleased to announce and invite the public to its 6th Annual Tide Mill Conference, to be held in the Boston area on November12 and 13, 2010. There will be an informal reception 7-9 PM Friday at the Dorchester Historical Society, 195 Boston St. in Dorchester.   Registration at the Old Schwamb Mill in Arlington, MA, begins at 8:30AM.  Saturday’s presentations commence at 9 and continue after an included lunch until 2:45. A tour and demonstration of the 19th-century wood-working mill will follow.  

Highlighting this year’s conference will be a presentation  describing an exciting new helical turbine tide mill installation at Eastport Maine, a technological innovation creating electrical energy from the tides. Other papers been scheduled to explore the heritage and technology of other tide mill sites in Maine, Cape Cod, the Chesapeake Bay region and Spain. An Open Forum will be held, letting participants share brief descriptions of their research and site work.

In previous years, topics have included tide mill technology and mills in Wales, England, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New Jersey, South Carolina and the Amazon Basin.

If you have questions or are interested in attending or presenting, at the Forum contact  Bud Warren (
bwarren@gwi.net) 207-373-1209,   or Earl Talyor (ermmwt@aol.com) 781 272-6700. Walk-ins welcome!

The mission of the TIDE MILL INSTITUTE is to:
.. advance appreciation of tide mill technology;
.. encourage research into the tide mill sites;                                                                                                 
.. serve as a repository for tide mill data;
.. promote appropriate re-uses of old tide-mill site development for the use of tides as an energy source.

OUR WEBSITE:  www.tidemillinstitute.org 
