It will only be a few years before members of mill groups will no longer be able to pay their subscriptions by cheque! Whatever alternatives are introduced will cause problems of one sort or another.

The Payments Council states that “Following extensive research and consultation with users”, it has taken the decision to set a target date of 31st October 2018 – to close the UK’s central cheque clearing, effectively bringing an end to the cheque as we know it. Unfortunately most users they contacted were big organisations who don’t like handling cheques anyway (think of petrol stations and supermarkets!!).
They have completely ignored the fact that most small organisations and charities rely on cheques as the simplest way to collect donations and membership fees. We only have a short time to explain how important this mode of payment is, so as many groups as possible should complete the form they have provided (see Related Articles below) explaining why we need cheques to continue. The form is also on their website at
The Council indicates it is looking at alternatives to replace the cheque, but whatever these are I know a number of people who will be slow or unable to change, so we may lose a number of members just because the technology changes. In addition, even for those happy to end the chore of writing cheques, there will be a learning curve with many deciding that now is the time to reconsider their memberships!
Not only should we try to delay or stop the change by giving the feedback and making as much fuss as we can in the media, we should also look at taking early action so that most income comes by other means – but perhaps that is the Council’s way to create a self-fulfilling prophecy!