Did HES Simmons make mistakes? We posted this image on the eBay site recently describing it as Wicor Mill Porchester. The owner of the mill has pointed out it is the mill in his garden and Wicor mill is down the coast

The card is stamped with Simmons’ name and labelled Wicor Mill Porchester 4-10-31 – so is this a rare error by one of the best mill researchers of the 1930s? In addition are there two spellings of this ancient town?
Nick Walker the owner said “This is not Wicor Mill, Portchester – it is in fact my mill. I live in Portchester and the remains of the mill still stand in my garden. Wicor Mill was further down the coast and was a completely different structure. I do have one or two early photos of my mill but have never seen this picture ever. I wonder if you have any more pictures/photos.”
Does anyone have any other photos of either Portchester windmill?