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Publications (Library)

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Baker run-in-oil windmillsHeller-Aller Co, Ohio2003Unbound documents
Le Monde des MoulinsLa Federation des Moulins de Ftance2003Journal
Each Mor DubhTiree and Coll Gaelic Partnership2003Book
Brief history of the Cranbrook Windmill AssociationCranbrook Windmill Association2003Book
Parris-Dunn CorporationParris-Dunn Corp, Clarinda Iowa2003Copied document
Wind Connections BWEA 25British Wind Energy Association2003October 28-30 Symposium Transactions
Guide to the industrial archaeology of South-East Wales: Powerhouse of industryAssociation for Industrial Archaeology2003Book
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 18Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust2003SpringDigital
Parris-Dunn 32 and 110 volt direct-drive, wind-driven power plantsParris-Dunn Corp, Clarinda Iowa2003Book
Parris-Dunn Model 206 (6 volt) \& Model 212 (12 volt) Direct-drive, Slip-the-wind Power PlantsParris-Dunn Corp, Clarinda Iowa2003Book
Annual Report and Accounts 2002/03National Grid Transco2003Book
Tunza: The UNEP Magazine for Youth,United Nations2003vol 1 no 1Digital
Nnew Improved Aeromotor 702 model2003Unbound documents
Vinden som vestjysk energikildeDanmarks Vindkrafthistoriske Samling2003Book
O Espigueiro na paisagem de Oliveira de Azeméis: Analise tipologica, morfologica e o contexto urbanoAfonso de Deus, Antonio J S2003Book
Beamish: the north of England open air museumAllan, Rosemary EBeamish2003Book
Holgate windmill: YorkAnderton, Bob; Green, RichardHolgate Windmill Preservation Society2003Book
Longbridge mill at Sherfield on Loddon: the history of the mill with activities for childrenArcher, SheenaBowman Design2003Book
Wind-powered electrical generator at High SalvingtonAshton, RogerSussex Industrial Archaeology Society2003Issue 33, pp 6-9Digital
Water-spinners: a new look at the early cotton tradeAspin, ChrisHelmshore Local History Group2003Book
Water-SpinnersAspin, ChrisGrimshore Local History Society2003Book
Meule à grains: MillstonesAzéma, Jean-Pierre Henri; Barboff, Mouette; Belmont, Alain; Bruggeman, Jean; Cookson, Mildred M; Duc, Jean-Paul; Gaucheron, Andre; Mangartz, Fritz; Ward, Owen H; Wilson, CatherineEditions Ibis Press2003Book
Mills of Belidor (Architecture hydraulique, part 1 book 2)Belidor, Bernard Forest de; Harverson, Michael; Ward, Owen H; Watkins, GeorgeTIMS2003Book
New Sedgwick Gunpowder Works, Cumbria: an archaeological and architectural surveyBerry, Tony; Dunn, Christopher; Goodall, Ian H; Hunt, Abby; Lax, Amy; Taylor, SimonEnglish Heritage2003Book
Old copper mines of SnowdoniaBick, DavidLandmark2003Book
Irish flour milling: a history 600-2000Bielenberg, AndyLilliput Press2003Book
Irish flour milling: a history 600-2000Bielenberg, AndyLilliput Press2003Book
Driven by the Dane: Nine centuries of waterpower in South Cheshire and North StaffordshireBonson, TonyMidland Wind & Water Mills Group2003Book
Archaeology of the English windmill c.1200 - c.1700 (Dissertation)Bonwick, LukeUniversity of Reading2003Thesis/Report
Energy Systems and Sustainability: Power for a Sustainable FutureBoyle, Godfrey; Everett, Bob; Ramage, JaneOxford University Press2003Book
Tillingbourne story: the river in Wotton, Abinger, Gomshall, Shere, Albury, Chilworth and ShalfordBrandon, Peter; Shere, Gomshall and Peaslake Local History SocietyShere, Gomshall & Peaslake Local History Society2003Book
Medieval moated settlement and windmill: excavations at Boreham Airfield, Essex, 1996Clarke, RachelEssex County Council2003Book
Windmills of the north east: a 19th century viewClephan, JamesNorth East Mills Group2003Book
Chilworth Gunpowder works, SurreyCocroft, WayneEnglish Heritage2003Book
Build your own wind powered generatorDahl, JeffThe author2003Plans and instructions
Flour power: the significance of flour milling at the FallsDanbom, David BMinnesota Historical Society2003Spring/Summer pp 271-285Article
Claverton pumping station: a definitive studyDanks, WarwickKennet and Avon Canal Trust2003Book
West-Friesland Oud & Nieuw: 73e jaarboek Westfries Genootschap [73rd yearbook of the West Frisian Society]de Graaf, Ronald; de Vries, Evert C; Dekker, Ed; Hoogenboom, Ruud; Hoogland, Martien; Joustra, Marijke; Kok, Henk; Lenstra, Margreet; Meester, Jaap; Molenaar, Klaas; Over de Linden, Henk; Terra, Joke; Zutt, JoopWest Friesian Society & Uitgeverij Peter Sasburg2003Book
Colthrop mills rememberedDoe, RobinRobin Doe2003Book
Buttrums tower millDolman, Peter C J; Whitworth, MartinSuffolk County Council2003Book
Buttrum's Mill, WoodbridgeDolman, Peter C J; Whitworth, MartinSuffolk County Council2003Book
Before the Wells Run Dry: Ireland's Transition to Renewable EnergyDouthwaite, RichardFeasta2003Book
Elterwater Gunpowder Works, Cumbria: an archaeological and historical surveyDunn, Christopher; Jecock, Marcus; Lax, AmyEnglish Heritage2003Book
Milled from golden fieldsEdge, GrahamGingerfold Publications2003OctoberBook
Windkorenmolen “De Brak”: een molen is een levend monumentEggermont, WimThe author2003Book
Energy, Society and EnvironmentElliott, DavidRoutledge2003Book
Solar World: Climate Change and the Green Energy RevolutionElliott, DavidGreen Books2003Book
Wasted wind power adds £40 tohousehold energy bills, says think tankEspiner, TomBBC News2003December 19Digital
Derbyshire windmills past & presentGifford, AlanMidland Wind & Water Mills Group2003Book
Historische Mühlen und ihre Technik: kunstlerische und technische zeichnungen von Rudiger Hagen [Artistic and technical drawings by Rudiger Hagen]Hagen, RüdigerReprint Verlag Leipzig2003Book