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Mills around Wiveliscombe: watermill sites on the upper River Tone and Hillfarrance BrookBodman, MartinSomerset Industrial Archaeology Society2000Book
Allendale, Tynedale and Derwent lead minesFairbairn, Raymond ANorthern Mine Research Society2000Book
Millers and the mills of Ireland: a database list (1700-1900)Hogg, William EThe author2000Book
Millers and the mills of Ireland of about 1850: a listHogg, William EThe author2000Book
Dangerous energy: the archaeology of gunpowder and military explosives manufactureCocroft, WayneEnglish Heritage2000Book
Windmill giants tower over Schiedam: a walking and cycling tour through historyLans, NathalieTDS Drukwerken2000Book
Le moulin et le meunierRivals, ClaudeEditions Empreinte2000Book
Moulin: histoire d'un patrimoineRivals, ClaudeFFAM2000Book
Windmills and millers of Stoke, IpswichOver Stoke History Group2000Book
Thames locksKemplay, JohnRonald Crowhurst2000Book
Watery Tackley: its streams and water and the Pulback millCorby, Harold D L; Hall, A RupertTackley Local History Group2000Book
Thwaite mills watermillLeeds City Council2000Book
Place mill: an account of the restoration of a Saxon watermillCox, Reginald A; Tyhurst, M FrankChristchurch Borough Council2000Book
Gunpowder mills: documents of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuriesCrocker, Alan; Crocker, Glenys; Fairclough, K R; Wilks, M JSurrey Record Society2000Book
Mill: the history and future of naturally powered buildingsLarkin, DavidUniverse2000Book
History of milling in ChinnorGrenville, ColinThe author2000Book
Stone quarry landscapes: the industrial archaeology of quarryingStanier, PeterTempus Publishing2000Book
Brakedrum windmill plansPiggott, HughPicoturbine Press2000Book
Wind Energy, Building the 10%; Proceedings of the 2000 Twenty-second BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopStill, DavidProfessional Engineering Publishing2000Symposium Transactions
Hollingwood CanalFanning, GerryNeil Richardson2000Book
Vodní mlýny v Čechách 1 - 9Klempera, JosefLibri2000Book
Conference Papers for the Tenth Symposium of The International Molinological SocietyButler, JaneTIMS2000Symposium Transactions
"We had everything..." Recollections of a Kent Village. Leigh 1900-2000Rowley, ChrisChristopher Rowley2000Book
Small-scale hydropwer: Position StatementMance, GeoffEnvironment Agency2000Manuscript/Typescript
Engineering in the ancient worldLandels, J GConstable & Robinson Ltd2000Book
Wind energy and wind turbinesNelson, VaughnAlternative Energy Institute, West Texas A&M University2000Book
Mühlen und Menschen: 40 jahre mühlenerhaltung in Schleswig-Holstein und in HamburgChristiansen, Sievert; Haack, Dieter; Heesch, Walter; Karstens, Uwe; Weiss, RudigerEdition Barkau2000Book
Mills OpenWoodward-Nutt, JamesSPAB2000Book
Measured Drawings of Betz's Mill and Bahr's Mill water wheelBowie, John RRessler Mill Foundation2000Offprint/Journal Supplement
Sugar And Slavery : An Economic History Of The British West IndiesSheridan, RichardUniversity Press of the West Indies2000Book
Measured Drawings of Mascot Roller MillsBowie, John R; Kindig, SteveRessler Mill Foundation2000Offprint/Journal Supplement
Les moulins de la montagneFarenc, EmileH & B perie, Lacaune2000Book
Milling & Baking NewsSosland Publishing Company2000Journal
Milling JournalGrain Journal2000Journal
Quant in the glut box on the sprattle beam: a glossary of windmill and milling termsPlastow, NormanWimbledon Windmill Museum Trust2000Book
Information: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mühlenkunde und MühlenerhaltungAnon, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mühlenkunde und Mühlenerhaltung2000Book
Deutsche Mühlentag Pfingstmontag 2000Horstmann, Karl; Vogt, HansDeutsche Gesellschaft für Mühlenkunde und Mühlenerhaltung2000Book
Die Höltermann’sche Wassermühle in DammeFriemerding, Wolfgang; Wormuth, RüdigerMühlenvereinigung Niedersachsen - Bremen2000Book
Ancient hamlet of Beeleigh2000Book
Mit der Kraft von Wind und WasserWessling, HartmutSchlütersche2000Book
WindmillsBrooks, LauraMetroBooks2000Book
Die Wasserversorgung in der Renaissancezeit, Band 5Balestracci, Duccio; Bauer, Albert; Hoffman, AlbrechtPhilipp von Zabern, Mainz am Rhein2000Book
Vorgeschichtliche Reibsteine aus der Umgebung von MayenHoltmeyer-Wild, VeraVerlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Mainz2000Book
Van Zadelsteen tot Zetelkruier: 2000 jaar molens in Vlaanderen, Boek 2: Bouw en werking van de molens met natuurlijke drijfkrachtBauters, PaulProvincie Oost-Vlanderen2000Book
Flatford: Constable countrySt John, IanSuffolk Walker2000Book
Open to tide mills: Proceedings of an international conferenceRiver Lea Tidal Mill Trust2000Book
Lakeland's mining heritage: the last 500 yearsCameron, AlastairCumbria Amenity Trust Mining History Society2000Book
Moulins. maîtres des eaux, maîtres des ventsBruggeman, JeanRempart2000Book
Transactions of the Tenth Symposium of The International Molinological SocietyTIMS2000Symposium Transactions
Museu Rural de Boticas: catálogoCenteno, Rui M S; Pereira, Benjamim Enes; Silva, Armando Coelho FEdições ETNOS2000Book