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Publications (Library)

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From wind to powerGray, L GThe author1986Book
Mills of Great EastonHughes, John CBringhurst Press1986Book
Last miller: David Williams of Pentre Mill, LoggerheadsDavies, J IdrisClwyd County Council1986Book
Muhlen und Muller im Rheiderland: ein Beitrag zur HeimatchronikHoek, Rudolf CH. Risius1986Book
Tin mines and miners of Dartmoor: a photographic recordGreeves, TomDevon Books1986Book
Engines of change: an exhibition on the American industrial revolution at the National Museum of American History, Smithsonian InstitutionLubar, StevenNational Museum of American History1986Book
Islamic technology: an illustrated historyal-Hassan, Ahmad Y; Hill, Donald RCambridge University Press1986Book
Cotton mills of Bolton 1780-1985: a historical directoryLongworth, James HBolton Museum & Art Gallery1986Book
Monuments of industry: an illustrated historical recordHay, Geoffrey D; Stell, Geoffrey PRoyal Commission on the Ancient & Historical Monuments of Scotland1986Book
L'Oleiculture antique en Provence: les huileries du departement du VarBrun, Jean-PierreEditions du CNRS1986Book
Toujours vivants, les moulins: moulins du nord Pas-de-Calais du passe au presentBruggeman, JeanAssociation Regionale des Amis des Moulins Nord - Pas-de-Calais1986Book
Oost vlaams Molen bestand 1986Bauters, PaulProvincie Oost-Vlanderen1986Book
Miscellany of millingBean, David JThe author1986Book
Gunpowder industryCrocker, GlenysShire1986Book
Windmills of ThanetMills, C JThanet District Council1986Book
Cascade and the Bramah wheelHowes, Lesley; Ward, Jane1986Book
Godalming water turbineCrocker, GlenysGodalming Water Turbine Trust1986Book
Windmill land: Rambles in a rural, old-fashioned country with chat about its history and romanceClarke, AllenGeorge Kelsall1986Book
Windmills in Hertfordshire: new editionSmith, Arthur CStevenage Museum1986Book
Lincolnshire windmills: a contemporary surveyDolman, Peter C JLincolnshire County Council1986Book
Mill engine preservation: 20 years work of the Northern Mill Engine SocietyNorthern Mill Engine Society1986Book
PainshillCollier, Mavis; Lindus Forge, J WWalton & Weybridge Local History Society1986Book
Ashton windmill, Chapel Allerton, SomersetHall, W G1986Book
Alternator secretsLindsay, T JLindsay Publications1986Book
Wind Energy Conversion; Proceedings of the 1986 Eighth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopAnderson, Mike; Powles, SimonMechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.1986Symposium Transactions
Tidal power form the SevernSevern Tidal Power Group1986Book
Renewable Energies: Sources, Conversion, ApplicationDunn, P DPeter Peregrinus Ltd1986Book
Orders of architectureStratton, ArthurStudio Editions1986Book
Carew Tidal MillPembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority1986Brochure, leaflet or poster
Sarehole mill local history information sheetMeredith, Anna EBirmingham Museum & Art Gallery1986Brochure, leaflet or poster
Bobbingwort or Bovinger, call it what you will1986Book
A magyar malomipar torteneteKirsch, JanosMezőgazdasági Kiadó, Budapest,1986Book
Reading Abbey WaterfrontFasham, Peter; Hawkes, JohnThe Trust for Wessex Archaeology1986Book
Baking and bakeriesMuller, H GShire1986Book
Moulins des Flandres: guide pour la Flandre francaise et la Flandre-OccidentaleCoutant, YvesEditions S.A.E.P.1986Book
Windmills and watermills open to viewWest, JennySPAB1986Book
Wookey Hole: The caves and the millWinsor, DianaWookey Hole Caves1986Book
History and social influence of the potatoSalaman, RedcliffeCambridge University Press1986Book
1925-1985 Vereniging "De Zaansche Molen"Neuhaus, Antoon Frans (Ton)Europese Bibliotheek1986Book
MolensDe Hollandsche Molen1986Journal
Taylors of Canterbury: a family storyTaylor, RuthOaten Hill and District Society1986Book
Coniston copper mines: a field guide to the mines in the copper ore field at Coniston in the English lake districtHolland, Eric GCicerone1986Book
Industry before the Industrial Revolution: north-east Lancashire c. 1500-1640Swain, John TManchester University Press1986Book
Thomas Telford: the acclaimed biography of the 'father of civil engineering'Rolt, L T CPenguin1986Book
Windmills of the world: a pictorial history of the multi-sailed wind engineMcCook, William1986Book
Kennall gunpowder company, Kennall Vale, Ponsanooth: An archaeological and historical studySmith, John RCornwall trust for nature conservation1986Book
Walkmühlen und Tuchfabriken im Rhein-Main-Neckar-GebietReitz, Heinz1986Book
Schriftenreihe des Volkskunde- und Freilichtsmuseums Roscheider Hof Konz bei Trier zur AusstellungRobischon, RolfSelbstverlag des Vereins des Volkskunde- und Freilichtsmuseums Roscheider Hof Konz bei Trier1986Book
Mühlengespräch mit Mühlengeist Pumphut im Herbst 1986Maywald, BerndKulturband der DDR1986Book
Der Schäl- oder Gerbgang für SpelzStrakosch, Wolfgang; Weber, Friedrich Wilhelmself-published1986Book