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Publications (Library)

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Gilkes water motorsGilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd1961Brochure, leaflet or poster
Application of water-power to industry during the Middle AgesBlaine, BUniversity Microfilms1966Book
Waterdriven mills for grinding stoneWailes, RexNewcomen Society1967vol 39 pp95-119Offprint/Journal Supplement
Waterpower in the North of IrelandMcCutcheon, W ANewcomen Society1967Manuscript/Typescript
History of water power in UlsterGribbon, H DDavid & Charles1969Book
Water power: past and futureDallas, K MFullers Bookshop1970Book
Gilkes and Hydro PowerGilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd1970Book
Viktor KaplanPolak, KarelCKD Blansko1971Book
Burden water-wheelSweeny, F R I; Vogel, Robert MSociety for Industrial Archaeology1973Book
Surviving evidence of technological history: part 3: The impulse turbine in Irish watermills: two unusual surviving cornmillsBowie, Gavin G SIrish Engineers Journal1974Vol 2 (6) pp 20-22Article
Water turbinesWilson, Paul N LordHMSO1974Book
Gilkes water turbines for hydro-electric powerGilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd1974Book
Watermills, windmills and stationary steam mills in Ireland: with special reference to problems of conservationBowie, Gavin G SThe author1975Thesis/Report
Steam engines and waterwheels: a pictorial study of some early mining machinesWoodall, Frank DMoorland Publishing1975Book
Industrial archaeology of windmills and waterpowerSchools Council, Heinemann1975Book
Gilkes's 1853 to 1975. 122 years of Water Turbine and Pump Manufacture (A History of the Firm of Gilbert Gilkes & Gordon Ltd.)Wilson, Paul N LordNewcomen Society1975March 12Manuscript/Typescript
'Hydec' hydro-electric generating setGilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd1977Brochure, leaflet or poster
Water-power on the farmKindig, SteveTIMS1979Book
Water power in the Dyfi valleyAshby, MartinCentre for Alternative Technology1979Book
Waterpower in the Century of the Steam Engine; Volume 1 of a History of Industrial Power in the United States, 1780-1930Hunter, Lewis CUniversity Press of Virginia for the Eleutharian Mills-Hagley Foundation1979Book
Water power: how it worksHoward, Robert AEleutherian Mills-Hagley Foundation1979Book
Measurement of the flow of water. leaflet MGilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd1980Brochure, leaflet or poster
Gilkes Water TurbinesGilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd1980Brochure, leaflet or poster
Turbine water-wheel tests and power tablesHorton, Robert EK.W. Inc.1981Book
Energy from the WavesRoss, DavidPergamon Press1981Book
La Sarre au fil de l'eauDescombes, ReneSaarebourg1982Book
Benoit Fourneyron et l’invention de la turbine hydraulique. mémoire de D.E.A. 1983Deleage, J PDEA Science, Technologie, Société CNAM- Université Paris I1983Book
Stronger than a hundred men: a history of the vertical water wheelReynolds, Terry SJohn Hopkins University Press1983Book
Water power in the Dyfi valleyAshby, MartinCentre for Alternative Technology1983Book
Water power in Scotland: 1550-1870Shaw, JohnJohn Donald1984Book
Exploitation of water-power or technological stagnation?: a reappraisal of the productive forces in the Roman empireWikander, OrjanCWK Gleerup1984Book
Geschichte der WasserkraftnutzungEckholdt, Martin; Löber, Ulrich; Tönsmann, FrankLandesmuseum Koblenz1985Book
Godalming water turbineCrocker, GlenysGodalming Water Turbine Trust1986Book
Das Wasserrad – Technik und KulturgeschichteWolfel, WilhelmUdo Pfriemer Verlag1987Book
Fitz steel overshoot water wheels: Fitz water wheel co. Hanover, Penna, USASociety for the Preservation of Old Mills1987Book
Water powerHill, Josselin; Nixon, NigelQuarry Bank Mill Trust1987Book
Renewable energy and the tidal power optionsElliott, DavidScience and Public Policy1987October pp 257-262Article
Illustrated hand book of James Leffel's improved double turbine water wheel for 1883 and 1884Leffel, JamesSociety for the Preservation of Old Mills1988Book
Cragside: the power circuitAspden, AlanNational Trust1988Book
Water power on the Sheffield riversCrossley, David WSheffield Trades Historical Society1989Book
Tidal PowerBaker, A CPeter Peregrinus Ltd1991Book
Micro-Hydropower: a guide for development workersBokalders, Varis; Brown, Andrew; Edwards, Rod; Fraenkel, Peter; Harvey, Adam; Paish, OliverIntermediate Technology Publications1991Book
Moteurs hydrauliquesChamply, RenéRoc de Bourzac1992Book
Fabricas Hidraulicas EspañolasTascon, Ignacio GonzàlezMinisterio de Obras Públicas y Urbanismo1992Book
Lester Pelton and the Pelton water wheelLescohier, Roger PThe author1992Book
Treatise relative to the testing of water-wheels and machinery: with various other matters pertaining to hydrodynamicsEmerson, JamesSPOOM1994Facsimile reprint
Geschichte der WasserkraftnutzungTönsmann, FrankHerkules Verlag, Kassel1996Book
Millstone and hammer: the origins of water powerLewis, Michael J TUniversity of Hull1997Book
Water power in preindustrial GreeceNomikos, StephanosETBA Cultural Foundation1997Offprint/Journal Supplement
Small Hydro Power: China's PracticeJiandong, TongHIC Publications1997Book