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Miscellaneous Collected Papers on water turbinesBook
Catalogue of Patent 'Daw' Rock Drills... Pelton wheels and trubinesA & Z Daw, London1894Book
Perfect American Hurdy-GurdyAmerican Impulse Wheel Co1897Book
Characteristics of modern hydraulic turbinesLarner, Chester WAmerican Society of Civil Engineers1910Transactions Vol 66 pp306-386Offprint/Journal Supplement
Modern Turbine Practise and Water-Power PlantsThurso, John WolfArchibald Constable & Co1907Book
'Water TurbinesArmfield, Joseph J & Co Ltd1920Brochure, leaflet or poster
Development of water power: A handbook for the preparation of preliminary schemesArmfield, Joseph J & Co Ltd1930Book
British Empire TurbineArmfield, Joseph J & Co Ltd1905Unbound documents
Illustrated Catalogue of TurbinesArmfield, Joseph J & Co LtdUnbound documents
British Empire turbineArmfield, Joseph J & Co Ltd1905Unbound documents
Estate Water TurbineArmstrong-Whitworth1924Book
General description of Arthur Rigg's patent turbines, pumps and other hydraulic machineryArthur Rigg, LondonBook
On the history of the exploitation of water power in Eretz-IsraelAvitsur, ShmuelAvshalom Institute for Homeland Studies1960Book
Backus water motorBackus Water Motor Co.Book
Improved "Eureka" Turbine Water WheelBarber & Son, Allentown, PA1879Book
Water MotorsBarry, Henry & Co LtdBook
Water Turbines, Hydraulic Governos & Pipe LinesBoving & Co Ltd1924Book
Power and performance of Roman water-mills: hydro-mechanical analysis of vertical-wheeled water-millsHawksley, Jeff; Spain, R JBritish Archaeological Reports2008Book
Poole & Hunt's Leffel Double Turbine Water WheelC Cadle Engineer, Dublin1882Book
King of TurbinesC Cadle Engineer, Dublin1886Book
Cadle & Ridgway Double Perfection Turbine Water WheelC Cadle Engineer, Dublin1888Book
Cadle & Ridgway Double Perfection Turbine Water WheelC Cadle Engineer, Dublin1888Brochure, leaflet or poster
Horizontal PerfectionC Cadle Engineer, Dublin1888Brochure, leaflet or poster
Cadle Duplex Jet Water WheelC Cadle Engineer, Dublin1891Book
Catalogue of turbines, pelton wheels and other water motorsCarrick & Ritchie Ltd1913Unbound documents
Water power in the Dyfi valleyAshby, MartinCentre for Alternative Technology1983Book
Teacher's guide to water power projectsCentre for Alternative TechnologyEducation pack
Water power in the Dyfi valleyAshby, MartinCentre for Alternative Technology1979Book
Hydraulic power and hydrolyic machineryRobinson, HenryCharles Griffin1904Book
Power of Leather Belting and ShaftsChas Louis Hett, BriggBrochure, leaflet or poster
Concise Turbine Tables and revised price listChas Louis Hett, Brigg1893Book
Price ListChas Louis Hett, Brigg1893Book
Turbines of Various TypesChas Louis Hett, Brigg1889Book
Balanced Gate turbineChristiana Machine Co, PA1889Book
Viktor KaplanPolak, KarelCKD Blansko1971Book
Hydraulics and its applicationsGibson, A HConstable19301942 reprintBook
Turbine IdraulicheCostruzioni Meccaniche Riva1915Book
Perfection water wheel, the great water economiserCraig Ridgway & Son, Coatesville, PA1880Book
Hydraulic power engineeringMarks, G CroydonCrosby Lockwood and Son1900Book
Water power and watermills: an historical guideBrown, JonathanCrowood Press2011Book
Exploitation of water-power or technological stagnation?: a reappraisal of the productive forces in the Roman empireWikander, OrjanCWK Gleerup1984Book
Lowell Hydraulic Experiments Being a selection from experiments on hydraulic motors, on the flow of water over weirs, in open canals of uniform rectangular section, and through submerged orifices and diverging tubes. Made at Lowell, Massachusetts.Francis, James BD Van Nostrand Company1909Book
History of water power in UlsterGribbon, H DDavid & Charles1969Book
New American Turbines. Catalogue RDayton Globe, Ohio1909JanuaryBook
Benoit Fourneyron et l’invention de la turbine hydraulique. mémoire de D.E.A. 1983Deleage, J PDEA Science, Technologie, Société CNAM- Université Paris I1983Book
Water or hydraulic motorsBjorling, Philip RE & F N Spon1903Book
Principles of construction and efficiency of water-wheelsDonaldson, WilliamE & F N Spon1876Book
Cadiot 'Petits Moteurs et Dynamos "Bebe"'E H Cadiot et Cie1894Book
Empress water motorE S Taylor & Co, Liverpool1880Book
Water power: how it worksHoward, Robert AEleutherian Mills-Hagley Foundation1979Book