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Rex Wailes collection arrives at the Archive #2Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2019NovemberDigital
Milling journals of the past. Irish mills and Irish millersCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2019NovemberDigital
Milling journals of the past. The Flour Mills of East Scotland: Part 5Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2019OctoberDigital
Milling journals of the past. The Flour Mills of East Scotland: Part 4Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2019SeptemberDigital
Milling journals of the past. The flour mills of East Scotland: Part 3Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2019AugustDigital
Milling journals of the past. The flour mills of East Scotland: Part 2Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2019JulyDigital
Milling journals of the past. The flour mills of East Scotland: Part 1Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2019JuneDigital
Milling journals of the past. Messrs Thomas Robinson & Son Ltd of RochdaleCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2019MayDigital
Milling journals of the past. A successful country mill: Henry Smith & Sons’ chamber house millCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2019AprilDigital
Milling journals of the past. British engineering firms: The works of ER & F Turner, including the Carter roller system in the course of manufacture at St Peter’s & Grey Friars Works, Ipswich - Part twoCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2019MarchDigital
Milling journals of the past. British engineering firms: The works of ER & F Turner, including the carter roller system in the course of manufacture at St Peter’s & Grey Friars Works, Ipswich - Part oneCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2019FebruaryDigital
Milling journals of the past. W Nelstrop & Co Albion Flour Mills, Stockport, CheshireCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2019JanuaryDigital
Tony Yoward (1925 - 2019)Cookson, Mildred MSPAB Mill News2019AprilDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. No Half Measures at Palmer’sCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020DecemberDigital
Milling journals of the past. Ruto Flour Mills Ltd; A New South African Mill on the Robinson SystemCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020DecemberDigital
Milling journals of the past. Luther’s new self-contained plansifter: The novel way of propelling stockCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020NovemberDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Rex the mill magnetCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020NovemberDigital
Milling journals of the past. The Alsacian Mills Ltd, StrasburgCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020OctoberDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Rex makes front page newsCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020OctoberDigital
Milling journals of the past. How Milling was printedCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020SeptemberDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Windmills and steam power in BarbadosCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020SeptemberDigital
Milling journals of the past. Messrs John Draper and Son’s St Leonards MillCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020AugustDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. The Power of the Press: How it changed our landscape (with some help from Rex Wailes)Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020AugustDigital
Milling journals of the past. Mr Teddy Simms, a local heroCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020JulyDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Damage, Repair and ConservationCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020JulyDigital
Milling Journals of the past. Mr Joseph Hunt: 50 years a roller manCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020JuneDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Rex Wailes visits USA and surveys Long Island and Nantucket windmillsCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020JuneDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Rex as international traveller and mill recorder (Finland)Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020MayDigital
Milling Journals of the past. The Don Mills of MexboroughCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020MayDigital
Milling journals of the past. William Simmons Leighton Buzzard Mills, BedfordshireCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020AprilDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Rex as photographer and mill recorderCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020AprilDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Printing blocks in the Rex Wailes CollectionCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020MarchDigital
Milling journals of the past. Joseph, Edgar and Arthur Appleby; Lancashire MillersCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020MarchDigital
Milling journals of the past. The opening of the Star Corn Millers’ Society’s new roller mill at Oldham: Wednesday October 21st, 1891Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020FebruaryDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Sails and earthquakesCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020FebruaryDigital
Milling journals of the past. Australian flour mills: Messrs W Webb & Co’s New Roller Flour Mill, Sandhurst, VictoriaCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020JanuaryDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. The books he has writtenCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020JanuaryDigital
Milling journals of the past. The Gloucester nabim Convention 1892, Part 2Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2021MarchDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. An Artistic Collaboration Part 1Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2021MarchDigital
Milling journals of the past. James Dalton’s New Roller Mills at Orange, NSW (Hind and Lund system)Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2021AprilDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. An Artistic Collaboration Part 2Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2021AprilDigital
Milling journals of the past. The Gloucester nabim Convention 1892, Part 1Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2021FebruaryDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. An Artistic ConsultantCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2021FebruaryDigital
Milling journals of the past. Men in the mill. Trials and Tribulations overcome by a Miller (part 1)Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2021MayDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Hallam Ashley and Roller MillsCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2021MayDigital
Milling journals of the past. Trials and Tribulations overcome by a Miller (part 2)Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2021JuneDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Hallam Ashley (1900-1987) and Horstead MillCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2021JUneDigital
Milling journals of the past. From The Ashes: The Selby Flour Mills, YorkshireCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2021JulyDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Kate and Becky: How it feels to work behind the scenesCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2021JulyDigital
Milling Journals of the past. JW Aizlewood's Crown Mills Sheffield. Part 1Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2021SeptemberDigital