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Wind power - its application (The Newark Wind Motor)1912(estimated)Book
Meister Prufungs Ordnung fur die Handwerke der Mauerer Zimmerer Steinmeke Muhlenbauer1909Book
Wheat monthly averages of price and weight from 1804 to 18911892JanuaryBook
Journal de la Meunerie & Boulangerie1888Journal
Colony of German miners at KeswickCrosthwaite, J Fisher1882Book
Theatrum machinarum novum, exhibens aquarias, alatas, jumentarias, manuarias, pedibus, ac ponderibus versatiles, plures et diversas molasBöckler, Georg Andreas1682Copied document
Millwright's guide: a practical treatise on the construction of all kinds of mill work ...Nicholson, John1830Book
Catalogue of Patent 'Daw' Rock Drills... Pelton wheels and trubinesA & Z Daw, London1894Book
Evolution of Kingston-upon-Hull as shewn by its plans with illustrationsSheppard, ThomasA. Brown & Sons1911Book
Volledig MolenboekHarte, J HA. van der Mast1849Book
Accrington Old Water Corn Mill: its History and OwnersBroughton, Richard DAccrington Observer and Times1917Book
Memoir of Edmund Cartwright, inventor of the power loom etcAdams & Dart1843Facsimile reprint
Homemade windmills of NebraskaBarber, Erwin HinckleyAgricultural Experiment Station Bulletin1899Book
Water: its origin and useColes-Finch, WilliamAlston Rivers1908Book
Perfect American Hurdy-GurdyAmerican Impulse Wheel Co1897Book
Characteristics of modern hydraulic turbinesLarner, Chester WAmerican Society of Civil Engineers1910Transactions Vol 66 pp306-386Offprint/Journal Supplement
Story of a wonderful flour mill: the Midget Marvel: the money-making mill wonder of the ageAnglo American Mill Corporation1916Book
Experienced millwright, or a treatise on the construction of some of the most useful machines With the Latest Improvements ; to which is Prefixed, A Short Account of the General Principles of Mechanics, and of the Mechanical Powers ; Illustrated with Forty-four EngravingsGray, AndrewArchibald Constable & Co1806digitised 2022Digital
Modern Turbine Practise and Water-Power PlantsThurso, John WolfArchibald Constable & Co1907Book
Natural sources of powerBall, Robert SArchibald Constable & Co1908Book
British Empire turbineArmfield, Joseph J & Co Ltd1905Unbound documents
British Empire TurbineArmfield, Joseph J & Co Ltd1905Unbound documents
Steam: its generation and use, with the catalogue of Babcock & Wilcox, Oriel House Faringdon Street, London E.C. and the Babcock and Wilcox Co. 85 Liberty Street, New York, U.S.ABabcock & Wilcox1917Book
Improved "Eureka" Turbine Water WheelBarber & Son, Allentown, PA1879Book
Small water supplies: being a practical treatise on the methods of collecting, storing and conveying water for domestic use in large country mansions, estates and small villages and farmsTaylor, F NoelBatsford1912Book
Matthew and the millerBradby, VioletBlackie & Son Ltd1909Book
Cuban Cane Sugar: a Sketch of the Industry, from Soil to Sack, Together with a Survey of the Circumstances Which Combine to Make Cuba The Sugar Bowl of the WorldWiles, RobertBobbs-Merrill Company1916Book
Roller flour milling machinery and accessoriesBriddon & Fowler1914Book
Roller flour milling machineryBriddon & Fowler1914Book
Cadle Duplex Jet Water WheelC Cadle Engineer, Dublin1891Book
Horizontal PerfectionC Cadle Engineer, Dublin1888Brochure, leaflet or poster
Cadle & Ridgway Double Perfection Turbine Water WheelC Cadle Engineer, Dublin1888Brochure, leaflet or poster
Cadle & Ridgway Double Perfection Turbine Water WheelC Cadle Engineer, Dublin1888Book
King of TurbinesC Cadle Engineer, Dublin1886Book
Poole & Hunt's Leffel Double Turbine Water WheelC Cadle Engineer, Dublin1882Book
Story of a loaf of breadWood, T BCambridge University Press1912Book
Der Bau und Betrieb der Oelmühlen: ein praktisches Handbuch für Oelmüller, Mühlen- und Maschinenbauer so wie fur Unternchmer und Techniker uberhaupScholl, E FCarl Wilhelm Leske Verlag1844Facsimile reprint
Catalogue of turbines, pelton wheels and other water motorsCarrick & Ritchie Ltd1913Unbound documents
Harnessing of NiagaraStetson, Francis LyndeCassier Magazine Co1895Book
Miller and milling engineerOliver, Charles ECharles E. Oliver1913Book
Manual of machinery and millworkRankine, William J MCharles Griffin1869Book
Hydraulic power and hydrolyic machineryRobinson, HenryCharles Griffin1904Book
Force of the windChatley, HerbertCharles Griffin1919Book
Manual of machinery and millworkRankine, William J MCharles Griffin1893Book
Penny Magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Knowledge Volume 2 (1833)Charles Knight1834Book
Selection of our stone shopCharles Ross & Son Company1917or laterCopied document
Price ListChas Louis Hett, Brigg1893Book
Turbines of Various TypesChas Louis Hett, Brigg1889Book
Concise Turbine Tables and revised price listChas Louis Hett, Brigg1893Book
Balanced Gate turbineChristiana Machine Co, PA1889Book