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Publications (Library)

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Mill Tour Programme: 11th symposium of The International Molinological SocietyTIMS2004Symposium Transactions
Green Park (Reading Business Park): Phase 2 Excavations 1995 - Neolithic and Bronze Age SitesAllen, Carol; Brossler, Adam; Early, RobertOxford Archaeological Unit2004Book
Celebrating the centenary of Lexden Bridge 1904-20042004Brochure, leaflet or poster
Renewable Roots, Issue #3Riddell, RachelThe Mills Archive Trust2004FebruaryDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 19Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust2004SpringDigital
Tide mill WoodbridgeWeaver, Michael AFriends of Woodbridge Tide Mill2004Book
Great Laxey MineScarffe, AndrewManx Heritage Foundation2004Book
Environmental PolicyRoberts, JaneRoutledge2004Book
Wind Energy: The Facts. An Analysis of Wind Energy in the EU-25European Wind Energy Association2004Book
Wind PowerJames & James2004Book
Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable FutureBoyle, GodfreyOxford University Press2004Book
Annual Report and Accounts 2003/04National Grid Transco2004Book
MAREC 2004 3rd International Conference on Marine Renewable EnergyInstitute of Marine Engineers2004July 7-9Symposium Transactions
Hydraulic aspects of renewable energyInstitution of Civil Engineers2004March 19Symposium Transactions
Wind PowerGipe, PaulJames & James2004Book
Windmills below the sea: a commercial reality soon?Fraenkel, PeterreFOCUS2004March/April pp 46-50Article