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Boulton and Watt Archive and the Matthew Boulton papers: parts 4 & 5Adam Matthew Publications1994Book
Freedom and oppression of slaves in the eighteenth-century CaribbeanStinchcombe, Arthur LAmerican Sociological Review1994Vol 59 (6) December pp 911-929Digital
Short guide to the industrial archaeology of HampshireRiley, Ray; Yoward, Mary; Yoward, TonyAssociation for Industrial Archaeology - Southampton University Industrial Archaeology Group1994Book
Honister slate: the history of a lakeland slate mineTyler, IanBlue Rock1994Book
Windirections; newsletter of the British and European Wind Energy AssociationsBWEA British Wind Energy Association1994October Vol 14 (1)Journal
Wind energy: the FactsBWEA British Wind Energy Association1994or laterBrochure, leaflet or poster
Using Wind Power: A guide to remote power and domestic applicationsProven, GordonBWEA British Wind Energy Association1994Book
Power from wind: a history of windmill technologyHills, Richard LCambridge University Press1994Book
Science of cookie and cracker productionFaridi, HamidChapman & Hall1994Book
Windmills and windmill weightsSites, Donald ECornelius Z Friesen & Ken O'Brock1994Book
Ifield water mill: its owners and occupiersBracher, PCrawley Museum Society1994Book
Mine explorer: the journal of the Cumbria Amenity Trust Mining History SocietyCumbria Amenity Trust Mining History Society1994Book
Survey of mills in Delaware County, Pennsylvania 1826-1880Case, Robert PDelaware Community College and Delaware County Historical Society1994Book
Muhlen: Geschichte der Getreidemuhlen Technische Denkmale in Mittel- und OstdeutschlandDuntzsch, Helmut; Tschiersch, Rudolf; Wachtler, Eberhard; Wagenbreth, OtfriedDeutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie1994Book
Story of Cornard millsBaker, HughDon Fraser Print1994Book
Duddon Estuary Tidal Energy Barrage Preliminary Feasibility Study; contractor reportEnergy Technology Support Unit (ETSU)1994Thesis/Report
Mountnessing windmill: A history and descriptionPargeter, Vincent G; Sier, R (Bob); Wooding, RonEssex County Council1994Book
Archaeological study of baking and bread in New Kingdom EgyptDelwen, SamuelEThOS1994ID: 320039 Internet source
Nederlandse Watermolens in oude ansichtenFrieke, Hans; Hagens, Herman; Meesters, TonEuropese Bibliotheek1994Book
Oare gunpowder works: Faversham, KentCocroft, WayneFaversham Society1994Book
Windpower and the landscape: report of a seminar held on 29 April 1994, Ulverston, CumbriaFriends of the Lake District1994NovemberBook
Tide mills in England and WalesDay, GeoffreyFriends of Woodbridge Tide Mill1994Book
Middeleeuwse molentermen in het Graafschap VlaanderenCoutant, YvesGeorge Michiels1994Book
Getreidereiben und Mühlsteine aus der EifelHörter, FridolinGeschichts- und Altertumsverein für Mayen und Umgebung1994Book
Hart mill excavationsCoupe, J; Salisbury, C RGleam Publications1994Book
Grist to the mill: a history of flour milling in Western AustraliaLang, ErnieGoodman Fielder Mills1994Book
Slate quarrying at CorrisRichards, Alun JohnGwasg Carreg Gwalch1994Book
Harvest home: Harvesting grain in Hampshire, 1750 to the present dayBowie, Gavin G SHampshire County Council1994Book
Cathedral, forge and waterwheel: technology and invention in the Middle AgesGies, Frances; Gies, JosephHarperCollins1994Book
Mühlen der Eifel: Band 1 Geschichte - Technik - Untergang, Band 1Mertes, ErichHelios1994Book
Other Beverley: a pictorial introduction to the industrial archaeology of Beverley and districtGregory, RoyHighgate publications (Beverley)1994Book
Building a domestic windpumpBarr, James H (Jim)HubEditions, Bedfordshire1994Book
International Committee for the History of Technology: 22nd International Symposium. Abstract of Papers.Brown, David. K; Buchanan, Brenda J; Buchanan, R A; Diogo, Maria PaulaICOHTEC. University of Bath1994Book
Fischer windmill, TheVierling, Philip EIllinois Country Outdoor Guides1994Book
Motors as generators for micro-hydro powerSmith, NigelIntermediate Technology Publications1994Book
Guide to the Lee and Stort navigationsThomas, RichardLea and Stort Planning and Amenities Forum1994Book
Recollections of a Lincolnshire miller: Robert Willson (1838-1912) of HuttoftWillson, Gordon; Willson, RobertLouth Naturalists Antiquarian and Literary Society1994Book
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 09Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1994MarchDigital
Wind Energy Conversion; Proceedings of the 1994 Sixteenth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopElliot, GMechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.1994Symposium Transactions
Rodkilde VandmolleMiljoministeriet1994Book
Book of wrinkles: a collection of handy labor-saving devices and ideas for the use of millers and millwrightsMitchell Brothers1994Book
Steam engine in industry: mining and the metal tradesWatkins, GeorgeMoorland Publishing1994Book
River Waveney: Its navigation and watermillsPluck, DouglasMorrow & Co1994Book
Another Miller's TaleAustin, GeoffMountnessing Parish Council1994Book
Die Muhlen der Stadt Ulm Band 1Haug, AlbertMuhlenatlas Baden-Wurttemburg1994Brochure, leaflet or poster
Flour Milling Industry Correpondence Course; Modules (1st, 2nd & 3rd editions)National Association of British & Irish Millers (nabim)1994Container
O'r Gwaith i'r Gwely; Cadw ty 1890-1960Thomas, Beth; Tibbott, S MinwelNational Museum of Wales1994Book
Houghton mill: information for teachersBradley, Helen; Munns, JaneNational Trust1994Book
Preston millNational Trust for Scotland1994Education pack
Gunton Park sawmill: operating instructionsFunnell, BarréNorfolk Industrial Archaeology Society1994Book