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Showing results for ( Year equals 1994 ):
Publications (Library)
Title | Contributors | Publisher | Year | BatchDescrip | Medium |
Boulton and Watt Archive and the Matthew Boulton papers: parts 4 & 5 | Adam Matthew Publications | 1994 | Book | ||
Freedom and oppression of slaves in the eighteenth-century Caribbean | Stinchcombe, Arthur L | American Sociological Review | 1994 | Vol 59 (6) December pp 911-929 | Digital |
Short guide to the industrial archaeology of Hampshire | Riley, Ray; Yoward, Mary; Yoward, Tony | Association for Industrial Archaeology - Southampton University Industrial Archaeology Group | 1994 | Book | |
Honister slate: the history of a lakeland slate mine | Tyler, Ian | Blue Rock | 1994 | Book | |
Windirections; newsletter of the British and European Wind Energy Associations | BWEA British Wind Energy Association | 1994 | October Vol 14 (1) | Journal | |
Wind energy: the Facts | BWEA British Wind Energy Association | 1994 | or later | Brochure, leaflet or poster | |
Using Wind Power: A guide to remote power and domestic applications | Proven, Gordon | BWEA British Wind Energy Association | 1994 | Book | |
Power from wind: a history of windmill technology | Hills, Richard L | Cambridge University Press | 1994 | Book | |
Science of cookie and cracker production | Faridi, Hamid | Chapman & Hall | 1994 | Book | |
Windmills and windmill weights | Sites, Donald E | Cornelius Z Friesen & Ken O'Brock | 1994 | Book | |
Ifield water mill: its owners and occupiers | Bracher, P | Crawley Museum Society | 1994 | Book | |
Mine explorer: the journal of the Cumbria Amenity Trust Mining History Society | Cumbria Amenity Trust Mining History Society | 1994 | Book | ||
Survey of mills in Delaware County, Pennsylvania 1826-1880 | Case, Robert P | Delaware Community College and Delaware County Historical Society | 1994 | Book | |
Muhlen: Geschichte der Getreidemuhlen Technische Denkmale in Mittel- und Ostdeutschland | Duntzsch, Helmut; Tschiersch, Rudolf; Wachtler, Eberhard; Wagenbreth, Otfried | Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie | 1994 | Book | |
Story of Cornard mills | Baker, Hugh | Don Fraser Print | 1994 | Book | |
Duddon Estuary Tidal Energy Barrage Preliminary Feasibility Study; contractor report | Energy Technology Support Unit (ETSU) | 1994 | Thesis/Report | ||
Mountnessing windmill: A history and description | Pargeter, Vincent G; Sier, R (Bob); Wooding, Ron | Essex County Council | 1994 | Book | |
Archaeological study of baking and bread in New Kingdom Egypt | Delwen, Samuel | EThOS | 1994 | ID: 320039 | Internet source |
Nederlandse Watermolens in oude ansichten | Frieke, Hans; Hagens, Herman; Meesters, Ton | Europese Bibliotheek | 1994 | Book | |
Oare gunpowder works: Faversham, Kent | Cocroft, Wayne | Faversham Society | 1994 | Book | |
Windpower and the landscape: report of a seminar held on 29 April 1994, Ulverston, Cumbria | Friends of the Lake District | 1994 | November | Book | |
Tide mills in England and Wales | Day, Geoffrey | Friends of Woodbridge Tide Mill | 1994 | Book | |
Middeleeuwse molentermen in het Graafschap Vlaanderen | Coutant, Yves | George Michiels | 1994 | Book | |
Getreidereiben und Mühlsteine aus der Eifel | Hörter, Fridolin | Geschichts- und Altertumsverein für Mayen und Umgebung | 1994 | Book | |
Hart mill excavations | Coupe, J; Salisbury, C R | Gleam Publications | 1994 | Book | |
Grist to the mill: a history of flour milling in Western Australia | Lang, Ernie | Goodman Fielder Mills | 1994 | Book | |
Slate quarrying at Corris | Richards, Alun John | Gwasg Carreg Gwalch | 1994 | Book | |
Harvest home: Harvesting grain in Hampshire, 1750 to the present day | Bowie, Gavin G S | Hampshire County Council | 1994 | Book | |
Cathedral, forge and waterwheel: technology and invention in the Middle Ages | Gies, Frances; Gies, Joseph | HarperCollins | 1994 | Book | |
Mühlen der Eifel: Band 1 Geschichte - Technik - Untergang, Band 1 | Mertes, Erich | Helios | 1994 | Book | |
Other Beverley: a pictorial introduction to the industrial archaeology of Beverley and district | Gregory, Roy | Highgate publications (Beverley) | 1994 | Book | |
Building a domestic windpump | Barr, James H (Jim) | HubEditions, Bedfordshire | 1994 | Book | |
International Committee for the History of Technology: 22nd International Symposium. Abstract of Papers. | Brown, David. K; Buchanan, Brenda J; Buchanan, R A; Diogo, Maria Paula | ICOHTEC. University of Bath | 1994 | Book | |
Fischer windmill, The | Vierling, Philip E | Illinois Country Outdoor Guides | 1994 | Book | |
Motors as generators for micro-hydro power | Smith, Nigel | Intermediate Technology Publications | 1994 | Book | |
Guide to the Lee and Stort navigations | Thomas, Richard | Lea and Stort Planning and Amenities Forum | 1994 | Book | |
Recollections of a Lincolnshire miller: Robert Willson (1838-1912) of Huttoft | Willson, Gordon; Willson, Robert | Louth Naturalists Antiquarian and Literary Society | 1994 | Book | |
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 09 | Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust | 1994 | March | Digital | |
Wind Energy Conversion; Proceedings of the 1994 Sixteenth BWEA Wind Energy Workshop | Elliot, G | Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd. | 1994 | Symposium Transactions | |
Rodkilde Vandmolle | Miljoministeriet | 1994 | Book | ||
Book of wrinkles: a collection of handy labor-saving devices and ideas for the use of millers and millwrights | Mitchell Brothers | 1994 | Book | ||
Steam engine in industry: mining and the metal trades | Watkins, George | Moorland Publishing | 1994 | Book | |
River Waveney: Its navigation and watermills | Pluck, Douglas | Morrow & Co | 1994 | Book | |
Another Miller's Tale | Austin, Geoff | Mountnessing Parish Council | 1994 | Book | |
Die Muhlen der Stadt Ulm Band 1 | Haug, Albert | Muhlenatlas Baden-Wurttemburg | 1994 | Brochure, leaflet or poster | |
Flour Milling Industry Correpondence Course; Modules (1st, 2nd & 3rd editions) | National Association of British & Irish Millers (nabim) | 1994 | Container | ||
O'r Gwaith i'r Gwely; Cadw ty 1890-1960 | Thomas, Beth; Tibbott, S Minwel | National Museum of Wales | 1994 | Book | |
Houghton mill: information for teachers | Bradley, Helen; Munns, Jane | National Trust | 1994 | Book | |
Preston mill | National Trust for Scotland | 1994 | Education pack | ||
Gunton Park sawmill: operating instructions | Funnell, Barré | Norfolk Industrial Archaeology Society | 1994 | Book |