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Publications (Library)

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Gazetteer of charcoal-fired blast furnaces in use since 1660Riden, PhilipMerton Priory Press1993Book
Windmühlen an der NordseeküsteNissen, Nis R; Pump, GünterWestholsteinische Verlagsanstalt1993Book
Mines of Alston MoorFairbairn, Raymond ANorthern Mine Research Society1993Book
Grassington minesGill, M CNorthern Mine Research Society1993Book
Nos moulins ... 20 ans déjà!: 1973-1993Bruggeman, JeanEditions ARAM Nord, Pas-de-Calais1993Book
Heage windmillHabbershaw, MikeHeage Primary School1993Book
Green's mill: its history and workingPlowman, DennyCity of Nottingham1993Book
Wind power for home and business: renewable energy for the 1990s and beyondGipe, PaulChelsea Green1993Book
Meal times at the millShand, HelaineOld Mill Lodge, McGregor, Cape Province, RSA1993Book
Water mill sites in north WorcestershireCoventry, Olwyn; Dunn, PatHagley Historical and Field Society1993Book
Mills of RedbournFeatherstone, AlanGeo R Reeve1993Book
Rio Lima: aproveitamento hidroeléctrico de Touvedo (Salvador)Electricidade de Portugal1993Book
Brick, tile and fireclay industries in ScotlandDouglas, G; Oglethorpe, MRoyal Commission on the Ancient & Historical Monuments of Scotland1993Book
Windpumps: a guide for development workersBarlow, Roy; Bokalders, Varis; Crick, Frances; Derrick, Anthony; Fraenkel, PeterIntermediate Technology Publications1993Book
Møllebygninger i Danmark: redegørelse og status 1993Various authors, Ministry of the Environment and the Department of Forestry and the Environment1993Book
Die Kölner Rheinmühlen II: edition ausgewählter Quellen des 13 bis. 18 Jahrhunderts mit einer DatabankKranz, HorstAlano Rader Publikationen1993Book
History of milling in the Herne Bay areaGough, HaroldFriends of Herne Mill1993Book
Dover Street rememberedMcFarlane, Peta; Tyler, Sheila; Wood, MaryOaten Hill and District Society1993Book
Discovering watermillsVince, JohnShire1993Book
Discovering windmillsVince, JohnShire1993Book
Watermills and how they workVince, JohnSorbus1993Book
Recording the Industrial HeritageAssocation for Industrial Archaeology, Association for Industrial Archaeology1993Book
Guide Netherlands open-air museum ArnhemUitgeverij Special Images1993Book
Tidal Stream Energy Review AppendicesEnergy Technology Support Unit (ETSU)1993Thesis/Report
Tidal Stream Energy ReviewEnergy Technology Support Unit (ETSU)1993Thesis/Report
Wind Energy Conversion; Proceedings of the 1993 Fifteenth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopPitcher, K FMechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.1993Symposium Transactions
Ablaze: The Story of ChernobylRead, Piers PaulQuality Paperbacks Direct1993Book
Renewable Energy: Prospects for ImplementationJackson, TimButterworth-Heinemann1993Book
Towards a Fossil Free Energy Future: The Next Energy TransitionLazarus, MichaelStockholm Environment Institue1993Book
Vesimyllyt: Historia, Rakenne, Käyttö Ja Kunnostus Erityisesti Kainuulaisen Myllyperinteen ValossaKorhonen, TeppoKainuun museon julkaisu1993Book
Tien eeuwen Zaanstreek, de Zaankanters en hun molensWoudt, Jan Pieter; Woudt, KlaasUitgeverij Waanders1993Book
Gunpowder to guided missiles: Ireland's war industriesKelleher, George DThe author1993Book
Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England: The Royal Gunpowder Factory, Waltham Abbey, Essex.Everson, PaulRoyal commission on the historical monuments of England1993Book
Gunpowder Mill at Ballincollig: An Extract from Gunpowder to Guided Missiles, Ireland's War Industries.Kelleher, George DJohn F. Kelleher1993Book
Make your own Savonius rotor wind turbineAlternative Technolgy Association, Australia1993Book
Scrapyard windpower realities: Building windmills with recycled partsPiggott, HughCentre for Alternative Technology1993Book
Economy and material culture of slaves: Goods and chattels on the sugar plantations of Jamaica and LouisianaMcDonald, Roderick ALouisiana State University Press1993Book
Read's Flour MillEast Anglian Film Archive1993Website
Killicks and the Nortons, Millers in MeophamCarley, JamesThe author1993Book
Moulins de BretagneChassain, MauriceEditions Keltia Graphic1993Book
Mühlen um Lübeck: Wasser- und Windmühlen vom 13. bis zum 19. JahrhundertThormann, Rudolf M GSchmidt Romhild1993Book
Extrusion cooking of wheat flourGuy, R C E; Horne, A W; Janes, D AFlour Milling & Baking Research Asscociation1993Journal
Dukinfield cotton millsHaynes, IanNeil Richardson1993Book
Caudwell's mill: teacher's education packCaudwell, E (Rowsley) LtdCaudwell's Mill Trust1993Education pack
Das Wasser auf den Berg zu schaffen; Die Grünberger Brunnenkunstvon Reitzenstein, DagmarStadt Grünberg1993Book
John Webb's 1804 windmill, Thaxted, Essex: a guide to the history, restoration and working of a fine 19th century tower millArman, MarkThe author1993Book
Wasserkraftnutzung mit Niederdruckanlagen: Kasseler Wasserbauliches Symposium 1992Tönsmann, FrankHerkules Verlag, Kassel1993Book
Molens in veelvoudig perspektief: Verzamelde molinologische opstellen: Kultureel jaarboek Oost-Vlaanderen: Bijdragen nieuwe reeks nr. 36Huys, PaulProvincie Oost-Vlanderen1993Journal
Industrial archaeology of the Isle of Man: an introductionManx National Heritage1993Book
Moulin de Luzy: Le moulin de Saloué à Dun-les-PlacesAssociation "Moulins du Morvan"1993Book