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Mühlen in TibetBrütsch, Herbert; Wehrli, EugenTibet Institut, Rikon1993Book
Mühlen um Lübeck: Wasser- und Windmühlen vom 13. bis zum 19. JahrhundertThormann, Rudolf M GSchmidt Romhild1993Book
Møllebygninger i Danmark: redegørelse og status 1993Various authors, Ministry of the Environment and the Department of Forestry and the Environment1993Book
Nos moulins ... 20 ans déjà!: 1973-1993Bruggeman, JeanEditions ARAM Nord, Pas-de-Calais1993Book
Old metal mines of mid-WalesBick, DavidPound House1993Book
Per Pedal von Mühle zu Mühle: 6 Touren in Bremen und umzuMaresch, Hans-JürgenHandelskrankenkasse and Bausparkasse der Sparkasse Bremen1993Book
Pigs and Ingots: the lead/silver mines of CardiganshireCarr, Tina; Schöne, AnnemarieY Lolfa Cyf1993Book
Power from the windSonghurst, HazelWayland1993Book
Read's Flour MillEast Anglian Film Archive1993Website
Recording the Industrial HeritageAssocation for Industrial Archaeology, Association for Industrial Archaeology1993Book
Renewable Energy: Prospects for ImplementationJackson, TimButterworth-Heinemann1993Book
Review Supplement: The REAG ReportDepartment of Trade and Industry1993MarchBook
Rio Lima: aproveitamento hidroeléctrico de Touvedo (Salvador)Electricidade de Portugal1993Book
Romantic windmill: the windmill in British art from Gainsborough to David Cox, 1750-1850Wilcox, TimothyHove Museum & Art Gallery1993Book
Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England: The Royal Gunpowder Factory, Waltham Abbey, Essex.Everson, PaulRoyal commission on the historical monuments of England1993Book
Scrapyard windpower realities: Building windmills with recycled partsPiggott, HughCentre for Alternative Technology1993Book
Some Caribbean sugar millsRoberts, NiallTIMS1993Transactions vol 8 pp 167-178Article
Stock tower millBerry, K R (Roy); Jarvis, D; Pargeter, Vincent G; Woodcock, SEssex County Council1993Book
Sugar mills in Southern Spain with special reference to San Isidro Mill in El Trapiche (Vélez-Malága)Lavandera, Efrén FernándezTIMS1993Transactions volume 8 pp 81-88Article
Tidal Stream Energy ReviewEnergy Technology Support Unit (ETSU)1993Thesis/Report
Tidal Stream Energy Review AppendicesEnergy Technology Support Unit (ETSU)1993Thesis/Report
Tide mill WoodbridgeWeaver, Michael AFriends of Woodbridge Tide Mill1993Book
Tien eeuwen Zaanstreek, de Zaankanters en hun molensWoudt, Jan Pieter; Woudt, KlaasUitgeverij Waanders1993Book
TIMS Eighth Symposium Conference papersTIMS1993Symposium Transactions
Towards a Fossil Free Energy Future: The Next Energy TransitionLazarus, MichaelStockholm Environment Institue1993Book
Transactions of the Eighth symposium of The International Molinological SocietyTIMS1993Symposium Transactions
Vesimyllyt: Historia, Rakenne, Käyttö Ja Kunnostus Erityisesti Kainuulaisen Myllyperinteen ValossaKorhonen, TeppoKainuun museon julkaisu1993Book
VesiveskidJuske, AntoValgus1993Book
Wasserkraftnutzung mit Niederdruckanlagen: Kasseler Wasserbauliches Symposium 1992Tönsmann, FrankHerkules Verlag, Kassel1993Book
Water mill sites in north WorcestershireCoventry, Olwyn; Dunn, PatHagley Historical and Field Society1993Book
Watermills and how they workVince, JohnSorbus1993Book
Watermills in Iran: IRAN XXXI 1993 pp 149 - 177Harverson, MichaelBritish Institute of Persian Studies1993Book
West Blatchington windmill and villageHayden, Roger; Hill, Peter JFriends of West Blatchington Windmill1993Book
Wind Energy Conversion; Proceedings of the 1993 Fifteenth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopPitcher, K FMechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.1993Symposium Transactions
Wind power for home and business: renewable energy for the 1990s and beyondGipe, PaulChelsea Green1993Book
Windmills and how they workVince, JohnSorbus1993Book
Windmühlen an der NordseeküsteNissen, Nis R; Pump, GünterWestholsteinische Verlagsanstalt1993Book
Windpumps: a guide for development workersBarlow, Roy; Bokalders, Varis; Crick, Frances; Derrick, Anthony; Fraenkel, PeterIntermediate Technology Publications1993Book
Woldegk – Stadt der WindmühlenHörn, ChrWeka Fachverlag1993Book