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Publications (Library)

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Review of Wave Energy, Volume 1 Main ReportThorpe, T WEnergy Technology Support Unit (ETSU)1992DecemberThesis/Report
Rex Wailes: an appreciation of his workMajor, J KennethSPAB1992Book
Rosie & Jim and the man in the windBerridge, Celia; Cunliffe, JohnScholastic1992Book
Scotsbridge mill, Rickmansworth: a brief historyParrott, E VThree Rivers Museum Society1992Book
Siting a small wind turbineBWEA British Wind Energy Association1992MarchBrochure, leaflet or poster
Storage stability of gluten-fortified white breadmaking floursCollins, T H; Curtis, P S; Little, KFlour Milling & Baking Research Asscociation1992Journal
Story of Patcham millMusgrave, George HThe author1992Book
Structural Reliability of Modern WindpumpsBishop, N W M; Pumphrey, R C1992circaArticle
Sugar mills in Southern SpainLavandera, Efrén FernándezThe author1992Book
Sugar, slavery and emancipation: the industrial archaeology of the West Indian island of TobagoEubanks, Thomas HalesUniversity of Florida1992-Digital
Sunbury, echoes from the past: volume oneHeselton, Kenneth YSunbury and Shepperton Local History Society1992Book
Sussex industrial history; issue no. 22Austen, Brian; Cox, D H; Paterson, DSussex Industrial Archaeology Society1992Book
Teachers guide to maths and the historic environmentCopeland, TimEnglish Heritage1992Education pack
Wandle Mills; a collection of bookletsHarris, Peter D; Various authors, Merton Historical Society1992to 1999Book
Wassermühle HarrienstedtvWormuth, RüdigerVereinigung zur Erhaltung der Wind- und Wassermühlen in Niedersachsen und Bremen1992Book
Water water everywhere: the draining of the FensBevis, TrevorThe author1992Book
Water-powered industries of the Lower Wye Valley; The River Wye from Tintern to RedbrookCoates, S DMonmouth Borough Museums Service1992Book
Wave energy R&D Proceedings of the Cork workshopEuropean Commission1992October 1-2Book
Wells and pumpsVince, JohnSorbus1992Book
Welsh industrial heritage: a reviewBriggs, C StephenCouncil for British Archaeology1992Book
Wheels of wood, wheels of iron; a history of the machinaery at the mill complex (The Mill on the Fleet)Girdwood, CharlieDumfries and Galloway Council1992Book
Wind Energy Conversion; Proceedings of the 1992 Fourteenth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopClayton, B RMechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.1992Symposium Transactions
Wind energy for the environmentBWEA British Wind Energy Association1992MarchBrochure, leaflet or poster
Wind farms projectDepartment for Enterprise1992Book
Wind Grist Mills on Aquidneck IslandPannagio, Leonard JMiddletown Historical Society1992Book
Windane 34-400 kW Pitch regulatedVestas - Danish Wind Technology A/S1992Brochure, leaflet or poster
Windirections; newsletter of the British and European Wind Energy AssociationsBWEA British Wind Energy Association1992Autumn vol 12 (2)Journal
WindmillsParker, Althea; Parker, EdwardAC Black1992Book
Windmills of AngleseyGuise, Barry; Lees, GeorgeAttic Books1992Book
Windmühle MöslohWormuth, RüdigerVereinigung zur Erhaltung der Wind- und Wassermühlen in Niedersachsen und Bremen1992Book
Windmuhlen in Schleswig-Holstein in alten Ansicht, Band 6Heesch, WalterEuropaische Bibliothek1992Book
Yorkshire textile mills: 1770-1930Giles, Colum; Goodall, Ian HHMSO1992Book