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Recommended practices for testing water-pumping windmillsVeldkamp, DickWorld Bank1989Thesis/Report
Spatial Analysis of Sugar Plantations on St Eustatius Netherlands AntillesDelle, James AWMScholarworks1989ProQuest 10628123Digital
Welsh Slate Centre: handbook for the museum and informaton relating to the Welsh slate industryRoberts, DafyddWelsh Slate Centre1989Book
Arbeiten und Leben in der KornmühleScheuermann, AdelgardVSA-Verlag1989Book
Introduction of animal-powered cereal millsBoie, WulfVieweg & Sohn1989Book
Windmühlen Im Wandel der JahrhunderteFrode, WolfgangVerlag Fachtechnik + Mercator Verlag, Duisburg1989Book
Landwirtschaft im WandelNissen, Nis RVerlag Boyens & co1989Book
Wind- und Wasserkraft: Die Nutzung regenerierbarer Energiequellen in der GeschichteBayerl, Günter (ed)VDI-Verlag1989Book
Some Caribbean sugar millsRoberts, NiallUnpublished1989November 24Manuscript/Typescript
Journal: Twyford & Ruscombe Local History SocietyAubury, E; Durant, E; Durant, R; Stoney, BTwyford & Ruscombe Local History Society1989SpringJournal
History of Turton millLindop, RTurton Local History Society1989Book
Seventh symposium of The International Molinological Society: Papers to be presented from August 13th- 19th, 1989TIMS1989Symposium Transactions
Transactions of the Seventh symposium of The International Molinological SocietyTIMS1989Symposium Transactions
Electricity Supply in the United KingdomThe Electricity Council1989Book
Water mill at Upwey: history and guideScott, EdwardThe author1989Book
Story of Outwood mill: the oldest working windmill in EnglandThomas, Gerald; Thomas, RaymondThe author1989Book
Guide to the industrial archaeology of the borough of ElmbridgeBaker, Rowland G MSurrey Industrial History Group1989Book
Practical millingDedrick, B WSPOOM1989Book
Woodchurch windmillSociety of Friends of Woodchurch Windmill1989Book
Woodchurch windmill: life and restorationSmith, BSociety of Friends of Woodchurch Windmill1989Book
Water power on the Sheffield riversCrossley, David WSheffield Trades Historical Society1989Book
WatermillsWenham, PeterRobert Hale1989Book
Cole Valley south: the Millstream Way, the history of a Birmingham riverJones, John MorrisRiver Cole and Chinn Brook Conservation Group1989Book
Van haver tot gort: 150 tekeningen van een molenHelmers, RoelProfiel Uitgeverij1989Book
Taming the flood: a history and natural history of rivers and wetlandsPurseglove, JeremyOxford University Press1989Book
Technische Denkmäler im Kreis Steinfurt: Zeugen der Technik-geschichteKetteler, HermannOberkreisdirektor des Kreises Steinfurt1989Book
North Devon watermillsThorpe, JosephineNorth Devon Archaeological Society1989Book
Horse engine in the 19th centuryMajor, J KennethNewcomen Society1989vol 60 pp31-48Article
Denis Sanders mill collection Part 2Buckland, J S PNewcomen Bulletin1989August (144) pp 12-15Article
Denis Sanders mill collection Part 1Buckland, J S PNewcomen Bulletin1989April (143) pp 10-13Article
Changing sugar technology and the labour nexus: the Caribbean, 1750-1900Boomgaard, Peter; Oostindie, GertNew West Indian Guide/ Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, Leiden198963 no: 1/2, Leiden, 3-22Digital
Waterways into CastlefieldFletcher, John CNeil Richardson1989Book
NABIM, a short historyDavies, P GNational Association of British & Irish Millers (nabim)1989Book
Mills on the Land YeoBodman, MartinNailsea & District Local History Society1989Book
Ludowe tartaki i gonciarnie podhalanskieJost, HenrykMuzeum Tatrzanskie Zakopane1989Book
Schiffdorfs WindmühlenLissau, Karl-HeinzMühlenrat des Heimatsbundes der Männer vom Morgenstern1989Book
Wind energy in the UK: towards commercial realityModern Power Systems1989JuneBrochure, leaflet or poster
Elizabethan copper: the history of the company of mines royal, 1568-1605Donald, M BMichael Moon1989Book
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 03Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1989JuneDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 04Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1989DecemberDigital
Heckington windmillPinchbeck, C A; Pocklington, A RLincolnshire County Council1989Book
Houtzaagmolen De Rat in IJIst: een bijzonder industrieel monumentBokma, ALeeuwarden1989Book
WindenergieEggersglüss, WalterLandwirtschaftskammer Schleswig-Holstein1989Book
Renewable energy: Environment and developmentDayal, MaheshwarKonark Publishers1989Book
Third Conference on Tidal PowerInstitution of Civil Engineers1989November 28-29Symposium Transactions
Honnors: a century full circle: A Maidstone corn and seed merchants storyProctor, Molly GHonnors1989Book
Severn Barrage Project: General ReportHer Majesty's Stationery Office1989Book
Technologia (Greek script)Greek Benefit Fooundation Bank of Industrial Development1989Journal
Dellstedt – Das Dorf und seine MühlenChristiansen, SievertGemeinde Dellstedt1989Book
Moira FurnaceWilton, NFriends of Moira Furnace1989Book