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Publications (Library)

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Die Industriegeschichte des WassersFöhl, AxelVDI-Verlag1985Book
Eolienne BolleeGaucheron, Andre; Major, J KennethTIMS1985Book
Woodbridge: a short history and guideWeaver, Carol; Weaver, Michael AThe author1985Book
Lead miningGoodhart, J SDalesman1985Book
Inventory of Fairbairn waterwheelsByrom, RichardThe author1985Book
Cotton mills of OldhamGurr, Duncan; Hunt, JulianOldham Education & Leisure Services1985Book
Bulletin de l’Aram BeauceAssociation Regionale des Amis des Moulins de Beauce1985Book
Die industriegeschichte des wassers: Transport, energie, versorgungFöhl, Axel; Hamm, ManfredVDI-Verlag1985Book
Lead mining in SwaledaleFawcett, Edward R; Lee, BrianFaust publications1985Book
Brill windmill: an explanationWaghorn, MarkBrill Society1985Book
Bedfont gunpowder millsMills, John; Philo, PhilBedfont Research Group1985Book
Science and rice in IndonesiaWard, William BOelgeschlager Gunn & Hain1985Book
Windmills and wind motors: : how to build and run themPowell, F ELindsay Publications1985Book
Animal-powered machinesMajor, J KennethShire1985Book
Staffordshire windmillsJob, BarryMidland Wind & Water Mills Group1985Book
Ocrim profileOcrim1985Book
Wind powerCross, MikeFranklin Watts1985Book
Cambridgeshire windmills and watermillsStevens, RobertCambridgeshire Wind and Watermill Society1985Book
Power before steamVince, JohnJohn Murray1985Book
Essex windmills, millers and millwrights, vol 4: A Review by Parishes, F-RFarries, Kenneth GCharles Skilton1985Book
East Yorkshire windmillsGregory, RoyCharles Skilton1985Book
Windmill weightsSimpson, MiltJohnson & Simpson1985Book
Sussex industrial archaeology: a field guideAusten, Brian; Cox, Don; Upton, JohnPhillimore1985Book
Three hundred years in paperMandl, G TG T Mandl1985Book
Thelnetham Windmill: Report on the restoration programme: 1984Thelnetham Mill Partnership1985Book
Shawford mill theatre: a new use for an old buildingOlive, JohnShawford Mill Theatre1985Book
Die Mühle “Aurora” in Jork-BorstelDiekmann, Dieter; Ganske, Walter; Raue, Georg; Schröder, Friedrich; Schulze, Heinz-JLandkreis Stade1985Book
Klostermühle HeiligenrodeFranke, Rudolf; Lörbert, Wolfgang; Rust, HartmutGemeinde Stur1985Book
Eine kleine MühlenkundeJans, WilhelmVerein zur Förderung historischer Mühlen im Landkreis Gifhorn1985Book
Die Glinder Mühle als Walke und KupferhammerLange, WolfgangVerlag Hans Jürgen Böckel1985Book
Melin Howell, LLantrisantHagerty, SeanThe author1985Brochure, leaflet or poster
Women and Slavery in the Caribbean : A Feminist PerspectiveReddock, Rhoda ELatin American Perspectives198512 pp 63-80Digital
Wind Power MonthlyHaymarket Business Media1985almost complete run to 2019Journal
Os Muinos de Aceite en Galicia estudo preliminarBas Lopez, Maria BegonaGallaecia1985Offprint/Journal Supplement
Mother's "Blue Max" windplant plansMother Earth News1985Plans and instructions
Proceedings of the 1985 Seventh BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopGarrard, A DCambridge University Press1985Symposium Transactions
Transactions of the Sixth symposium of The International Molinological SocietyTIMS1985Symposium Transactions
Review of Windpump TechnologyFraenkel, PeterIT Power inc1985DecemberThesis/Report