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Hertfordshire WindmillsMoore, CyrilHertfordshire Archaeological Soc,1985Hertfordshire's Past 19, 2-16Article
Verancsics Faustus, Machinae Novae es mas muveiFaustus, VerancsicsMagvető Könyvkiadó1985Book
Field guide to American windmillsBaker, T LindsayUniversity of Oklahoma Press1985Book
White Mill, Sandwich: technical guideHarlow, R SWhite Mill Folk Museum Trust1985Book
Mühle vom Rothen Strumpf: nachforschungen über ein handwerkBorchert, JürgenVerlag der Nation, Berlin1985Book
Huguenots in WandsworthGwynn, R D; Shaw, R A; Thomas, PWandsworth Borough Council1985Book
Guide to the industrial archaeology of the Waverley areaHaveron, FrancisSurrey Industrial History Group1985Book
White mill, Sandwich: its history and workingsWhite Mill Folk Museum Trust1985Book
Styal, Cheshire: an illustrated souvenirRose, Mary; Sekers, DavidNational Trust1985Book
Kingfisher millTryon, AylmerJ P Collins & Co. Norwich, Conn1985Book
Symposium uber der Historie der Wasserforderung Berlin 1985Glaser, FritzFrontinus Gessellschaft1985Book
Industrial architecture in Britain: 1750-1939Jones, EdgarBatsford1985Book
Emder MühlengeschichteJanssen, DietrichGerhard Verlag1985Book
Industrial architecture of YorkshireHatcher, JanePhillimore1985Book
Latvijas dzirnavasTeivens, ArnoDaugava1985Book
Schöne alte WassermühlenBraunburg, Annemarie; Braunburg, RudolfWeltbild-Bucherdienst1985Book
Eeuwen Onder Wind en Wolken: Windmolens in Oost-Vlaanderen [Windmills in East Flanders]Bauters, PaulProvincie Oost-Vlanderen1985Book
Windmill trails of the FyldeDavies, KenScott Witten1985Book
Flannel makers: a brief history of the Welsh woollen industryJenkins, J GeraintGomer Press1985Book
Bedfont gunpowder millsMills, John; Philo, PhilBedfont Research Group1985Book
Old gunpowder factory at GlynneathEvans, Jack; Johnson, Sydney; Pritchard, TomMerthyr Tydfil & District Naturalists' Society1985Book
Watermills: an introductionWilson, Paul N LordSPAB1985Book
Old Gunpowder Factory at GlynneathEvans, Jack; Johnson, Sydney; Pritchard, TomMerthyr Tydfil & District Naturalists' Society1985Book
TIMS Booklets (BM 1985 -1994)TIMS1985to 1994Book
Wind energy systemsJohnson, Gary LPrentice-Hall1985Book
Nuclear Electricity; how much is needed?Baker, JohnCentral Electricity Generating Board1985May 22Book
Analysis of generation costs 1983/84 UpdateCentral Electricity Generating Board1985AprilBook
Wind Energy SystemsPrentice-Hall1985Book
Childhood memories of Polegate wind and water millsTerry, BerthaThe author1985SpringBook
Nagy ezüst országútKósa, Csaba1985Book
Miller's manualStoate, DavidThe author1985Book
MelinWelsh Mills Society1985Book
Tide mill WoodbridgeDaniel, Glyn; Weaver, Michael AFriends of Woodbridge Tide Mill1985Book
History of Bozeat WindmillTebby, D GBozeat Historical and Archaeological Society1985Book
Multi-purpose power unit with horizontal turbine (MPPU) construction kitBachmann, A; Nakarmi, A MUnicef1985Book
Molinos de marAzurmendi Perez, LuisColegio Oficiial de Arquitectos de Cantabria1985Book
Museumsmühle in St. JulianWeber, Friedrich WilhelmKreisverwaltung Kusel1985Book
Mühlen im WeinviertelBodenstein, Anton R; Hohenbuhel, Carl PhilippChristian Brandstatter1985Book
Les scieries et les anciens sagards des Vosges: bûcherons, schlitteurs, voituriers et voileursBoithias, Jean-Louis; Brignon, MarcCreer1985Book
Christopher Polhem 1661-1751: the Swedish DaedalusLindgren, Mikael; Sorbom, PerSveriges Tekniska Museum1985Book
Iron industry of the WealdCleere, Henry; Crossley, David WLeicester University Press1985Book
Old mines of the Llangynog district: north Powys, mid-WalesWilliams, R ANorthern Mine Research Society1985Book
Museumsdorf CloppenburgKaiser, HermannMuseumsdorf Cloppenburg1985Book
Windmill weightsSimpson, MiltJohnson & Simpson1985Book
Moulins de l'Hérault. Arts et Traditions Rurales. Dossier 4.David, Pierre; Jolly, Michelle; Kuentz, Daniel; Richard, Jean-Claude1985Décembre 25Book
Schneidmühlen im FrankenwaldKlüfer, Hans Albert; Kuff, Paul; Paschmann, WalterFreunde der Plassenburg e.V.1985Book
Symposium über die Historie der WasserförderungVarious authors, Frontinus Gessellschaft1985Book
Wasser- und Windmühlen im alten Kreise WinsenBorstelmann, HNeudruck Winsen1985Book
Handwerk und Gewerbe in der Gemeinde Schaalby: Teil I, Mühlen und Schmieden (Part I, mills and smithies)Thiessen, KlausGemeindechronik Schaalby1985Book
Geschichte der WasserkraftnutzungEckholdt, Martin; Löber, Ulrich; Tönsmann, FrankLandesmuseum Koblenz1985Book