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History of technology Vol. V: The Late Nineteenth Century, c1850 to c. 1900Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor IOxford University Press1980Book
Catalogue of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Airfoils in the Reynolds number range 10(4)-10(6)Hageman, AndreEindhoven University of Technology1980JulyBook
Ballenberg: musée en plein air de l’habitat rural Suisse: guide pour la visite du musée/ guide book for a museum visitGschwend, Dr Max; Jaccottet, Georgesmusée suisse en plein air Ballenberg1980Book
Die Kappenwindmühle Westfälisches Freilichtmuseum DetmoldGrossmann, G Ulrich; Schulte, IngridLandschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe1980Book
Polegate windmill: souvenir guideGregory, Frank William; Hodsoll, Vera; Stevens, Lawrence; Wailes, RexEastbourne & District Preservation Trust1980Book
Ifield Mill: A surveyGibson-Hill, J; Henbery, E W1980Book
Le Pain et le Sel; Vues aeriennesGerster, GeorgArthaud1980Book
El manuscrito atribuido a Juanelo Turriano de la Biblioteca Nacional de MadridGarcia-Diego, Jose AI Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola de Historia de las Ciencias 1980Offprint/Journal Supplement
Watermills of the East Malling and Wateringbury streamsFuller, M JChristine Swift Bookshop1980Book
Windkraft: Die unerschöpfliche Energie (inexhaustible energy)Frees, HorstH. Frees1980Book
Progressive millers: A cultural and intellectual portrait of the flour milling industry 1870 - 1930, focusing on Minneapolis, MinnesotaFrame III, Robert MUniversity Microfilms1980Thesis/Report
Oliver Evans: inventive genius of the American industrial revolutionFerguson, Eugene SHagley Museum & Library1980Book
Wind machinesEldridge, Frank RVan Nostrand Reinhold1980Book
Mühlen des Osnabrücker NordlandesDobelmann, WernerSchriftenreihe des Kreisheimatbundes Bersenbrück1980Book
History of technology and invention: progress through the ages, vol.3 The expansion of mechanization, 1725-1860Daumas, Maurice; Hennessy, E BJohn Murray1980Book
Power from sea wavesCount, BAcademic Press1980Book
Guide to England's industrial heritageCossons, Neil; Falconer, Keith AB.T. Batsford1980Book
Growing wheat and making bread on a small scaleCoates, H L T (Hugh); Stanford, J RThorsons Publishers Ltd1980Book
Lead smelting mills of the Yorkshire Dales and Northern Pennines: their architectural character and place in the European traditionClough, Robert TRobert T. Clough1980Book
Lead smelting mills of the Yorkshire dales and northern Pennines: their architectural character construction and place in the European traditionClough, Robert TRobert T. Clough1980Book
Five generations of millingClaffey, John AThe author1980Book
Robert Owen of New Lanark 1771 - 1858; a bicentenial tributeButt, John; Donnachie, Ian; Hume, John ROpen Univesity in Scotland1980Offprint/Journal Supplement
Past at workBurton, AnthonyAndré Deutsch British Broadcasting Corporation1980Book
Ansbach gestern + heute 21Bürger, Werner1980Book
Batsford guide to the industrial archaeology of Central Southern EnglandBuchanan, C A; Buchanan, R AB.T. Batsford1980Book
Clayton windmills: help to restore JillBrunnarius, MartinJack & Jill Windmills Preservation Society1980Book
Early days in a Dundee mill 1819 - 23Brown, William; Hume, John RDundee Abertay Historical Publications1980no 20Book
Fries MolenboekBoersma, J; Bokma, A; de Koning, A J; Dykstra, Dr K; Sierkstra, L J; Sipman, Anton; Van der Meyde-Heymanns, Erika; Van der Woude, H J C; Wijnja, G DDe Tille Leeuwarden1980Book
Industrial explosion prevention and protectionBodurtha, Frank TMcGraw-Hill1980Book
Moteurs à muscles cette énergie retroBleu, Simonel'Association "Le Clairmirouère du temps"1980Book
Old industries of DeanBick, DavidPound House1980Book
Oostvlaamse Watermolens: Inventaris 1980 [Inventory 1980]Bauters, Paul; Buysse, RaoulProvincie Oost-Vlanderen1980Book
Un exemplo de agrupacion de Horreos: Bornalle, Abelliera, CorunaBas Lopez, Maria BegonaBrigantium Bol Museo Arqu Hist Coruna1980Offprint/Journal Supplement
Os nomes galegos dos horreos e dos seus elementosBas Lopez, Maria BegonaVerba: anuario Galego de Filoloxia1980Offprint/Journal Supplement
Marcel Barbier: meunier à Moutiers-en-Beauce: temoignage recueilli par le groupe de recherches sur les traditions populaires de BeauceBarbier, MarcelLe Vent Du Ch'min1980Book
Sussex potteryBaines, John ManwaringFisher Publications1980Book
Village blacksmithBailey, JocelynShire Publications Ltd.1980Book
Report of the watermills in JapanAoki, Kunio; Kikuchi, Toshiyoshi; Nakagawa, Tohru; Sakakibara, Seibun; Sasabe, AkiraBulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo1980Vol 3 Dec 22 pp 49-54Offprint/Journal Supplement
Batsford guide to the industrial archaeology of East Anglia; Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk, SuffolkAlderton, David; Booker, JohnBatsford1980Book
Vom Berg- und HuttenwesenAgricola, GeorgiusDeutsche Taschenbuch Verlag1980Book
Wookey Hole ... Caves, Museum and Water-wheelAbelskamp, D J; Gatacre, E V; Stanton, W IWookey Hole Caves1980JulyBook
De Molens van zuid-HollandProvinciaal Bestuur van Zuid-Holland1980Book
Moulins. No. 5: Publication semestrielle de la Fédération Française des Amis des Moulins.La Fédération Française des Amis des Moulins1980Book
Wind and Water MillsMidland Wind & Water Mills Group1980Journal
Guidelines to safety in wind and watermillsSPAB1980Book
Billingford windmillNorfolk Windmills Trust1980Book
Ramsey post mill: Ramsey - Essex 1842Ramsey Windmill Preservation Fund1980Brochure, leaflet or poster
Wythop mill: Embleton1980Brochure, leaflet or poster
Kentish windmillsFacto Books1980Book
Lucas alternators: Power to spareLucas Electrical Co Ltd, Solihull1980Book