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Publications (Library)

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1829-1979; Allied Mills, Thomas Sugden & Son, 150 years of progressThe Company1979Book
Fejezetek Pest Megye TortenetebolLajos, JakusStudia Comitatensia1979Article
Pest control in buildings: a guide to the meaning of termsCornwell, P BHutchinson1979Book
Preston mill and Phantassie DoocotSked, PhilipNational Trust for Scotland1979Book
Meal-mills of Donside, AberdeenshireDalgarno, G BThe author1979AprilThesis/Report
First book on food and nutritionMatthews, Wendy; Wells, DilysForbes Publications Ltd1979Book
Wave energyHer Majesty's Stationery Office1979NovemberBook
Proceedings of the First BWEA Wind Energy Workshop April 1979Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd.1979Symposium Transactions
Papers distributed to attendees at the first BWEA Workshop, Cranfield April 1979British Wind Energy Association1979AprilUnbound documents
Nederlands OpenluchtmuseumStikvoort, J MGesellschaft der Freunde des Freilichtmuseums1979Book
Models for rural developmentBaghdadi, A Ali; Elton, JuliaAction Society Trust1979Book
Choice of technique in maize millingBhat, B A; Uhlig, S JScottish Academic Press1979Book
Power Guide: A Catalogue of Small Scale Power EquipmentFraenkel, PeterIntermediate Technology Publications1979Book
Norias in Vietnam; water-elevating instrument to irrigated fieldsNguyen Trong Lec, Workshop on water lifting devices in Asia and the near-East, Bangkok1979December 4 -14Article
Literature survey and data search related to tidal current energy devices and systems: Final ReportMorgan, B ECentral Research Laboratories1979MayThesis/Report
TIMS Booklets (BM 1979 -1983)TIMS1979to 1983Book